Monday, September 20, 2010

Boy after my own heart...

In so many ways Bode is just like Jeremiah.
He is kind.
Loves to be around people.
Very social.
He is loud.
Has twinkly blue eyes.
He and Jeremiah share so many facial expressions.
But in this one area I have one way he is like me...

Every meal can be made better by making it into a sandwich!
I have been doing this forever.
Oatmeal sandwiches, egg sandwiches, spaghetti sandwiches,
basically anything is better between bread.
Bode has caught onto this wonderful truth.
This day the sandwich was a spaghetti-o sandwich.
(I miss bread... 3 more weeks then I can have some)

Then there is this little stink.
She is a pure terror...I mean... delight in our home right now.
She is 20 months old and has been going through the terrible 2's since about 16 months.
Oh how I love this little girl.
She tries my patients, pulls the books out of the book shelf,
 and unrolls all the toilet paper, but I wouldn't trade her for anything.
Her hair is slowly growing in.
I can flip it out with the curling iron and put a little clip in it.
She calls it her "purries" aka pretties.
It stays all cute and curled for all of 10 mins before it falls flat.
She sure looks cute for 10 mins though.

I finished my 21 days of HCG drops and 500 cal diet. Yay! In all I lost 16 pounds. I didn't cheat once and I am very happy with my results. Now I get to slowly add in more calories and eat yummy food again. Well all except sugars and starches. So no sandwiches for me. I do this part for 3 weeks then I get to start adding them back in. It has been hard but worth it. I am so ready to go to the gym and eat food again!


  1. They are cuties!!
    I love the bread sandwiches!!! ha! I miss bread too!!
    Way to go on your 16!!!! Amazing!

  2. I've been so behind on my blog reading! I didn't know you did HCG. I did a 21-day cycle of it twice after having Sam. I lost 20 pounds the first time and 15 the second time. (I had LOTS of weight to lose after having 2 babies pretty much back-to-back and gaining WAY too much weight each pregnancy!) I still have more weight to go and am thinking of doing the diet again.

    PS. I LOVE my bread too! Not eating the carbs was the hardest part for me!

  3. do we get to see a FABULOUS AFTER PICTURE?!! ;) After all 16 lbs is no joke. Go Girl. I am impressed you didn't cheat.. .I'm a carboholic.

  4. Just getting caught up on your cute family! Good job Heidi on sticking to the diet. As always, your house just looks very cute and organized! I love the plaid curtains. One more thing, my sister's have private blogs and I want to tell them how to update like you do so it shows up on my list thing. so how do you do it?


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