Sunday, August 29, 2010

Life never slows down...

Bode has been doing really well these days. His stye's are nearly gone. But I am afraid they are going to leave little scars. He is still a handsome little devil though. He has a ton of energy. Loves to talk, nonstop. But it never fails. I pick him up from preschool and ask him how his day was and he says "I don't really feel like talking right now." We drive home in silence, then walk through the door and her can't stop talking again. We are working hard on counting. He really has a block in the numbers area. He just has a very difficult time remembering the order of the numbers. I am hoping that soon it will just click. But for now we will just be counting everything in sight.

Laine's little personality is really coming out. She is a sweet, stubborn little thing. She is really good at going up and down the stairs. I was worrying she might take a tumble or two before she really got the hang of it, but she is a pro. She loves to tell people "HI" in the stores or wherever we go. She says it all sweet and friendly. Right when anyone goes to reciprocate her sweet HI she gives them a weird look and goes blank. She is very people shy. She is learning where her body parts are. She can find her eye, ear, nose, mouth, elbow and belly. She doesn't have to many words but can jibber-jabber with the best of them. She also looks up to her big brother so much. Anything he does she want to do. Case in point...

Here she is trying to pee in the potty like Bode. I am not actually sure if she knows what she is trying to copy. She goes in there hikes up her shirt and then looks at me like, "I don't really get this?".

Jeremiah started his new work schedule this week. I am very excited to have him home on Sunday's. I can't wait until we all can go to church together. This week Laine has been fighting off a cold and on Friday night she finally succumbed to it. She was up with a fever, nasty cough and a runny nose. So no church for the girls this week. So the boys got a spiffied up and went to church.

I am enjoying getting things back to normal. As much as possible. There are still quite a few odds and ends boxes that need to be taken care of. The laundry room and master bedroom still need to be completely unpacked and clean. Other than that, things are normal. I am just gearing up to start preschool. It has been fun pulling things together and making lesson plans. I have 4 kids, still hoping for 6, but 4 will be fun. I am very grateful for having such a normal life. Some people might think what I do is boring and tedious. And truthfully, being a stay at home mom can be at times. But for the most part I am happy with my life. I still stress over many things, money, house work, body image issues, if I am a good wife, mother, sister, friend. But I have to remind myself that I am blessed and that I can only do so much. (Ok a bit rambly here, sorry)

Alright. Hopefully I can get back to my bloggy self and get back to regular posts.


  1. Yay, a new post! Every day I check, in case you wanted to know.

  2. Here's to a normal life, it's all good! I'm sending a preschool referral your way...hopefully it works out. It's someone in the ward but she teaches primary and doesn't really know anyone, she's great though!

  3. Thanks for the encouragement Heidi! Your Laine does alot of the same things that my Alyssa does but then again they are the SAME age! TOO cute!!!

  4. I think you're amazing! Happy to know you, and happy to send my son to you two days a week!

  5. I agree... you are an amazing woman. Thanks for the reminder that we are all living the dream. Hardworking husbands, healthy, happy kids, great marriage, our faith, homes filled with love... the rest will figure itself out... right?

    Good Luck with preschool! sounds fun!

  6. to catch up! Staying at home is to hear about Bode and Laine!


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