Monday, July 26, 2010

Crib Troubles...

Laine is growing out of her morning nap. She doesn't always sleep but she still needs a little down time for herself. She normally has her bear, blankie, a book and a bottle. Then she chills in the crib for an hour or longer if she falls asleep. Sometimes she gets herself in precarious situations.

This particular time she had been happily playing while I got to take a shower and get all ready for the day. After blow drying my hair I heard her just kind of making panicked grunting noises so I when to check on her. (I think Jer did too,anyway) this is how I found her. Stuck. 
This time she had been playing for at least an hour and a half in her crib. She was just jumping, laughing, talking and giggling to herself. I finally went to get her out and this is the first things I saw.
Laine just looked at me then the floor and said "uh oh" and smiled.
Luckily for everyone involved there were no messes to clean up.


  1. ya...lucky for you she wasn't poopy. paisley is ALWAYS poopy after her naps. :)

  2. I literally laughed out loud at the first picture :-) Kids are so funny!

  3. Just catching up on your darling little family! Laine sure is getting big! I am glad you are having fun being a mom even though at times it is a lot of work!

  4. She is so funny, do you just crack up all day!

  5. I've been without internet so I haven't commented in forever, but I'm glad to see you guys have been well. Your little laine is so cute!


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