Thursday, July 15, 2010

Big Lake...

What would any camping trip be with out fishing?
The boys took the kids 2 times and one evening we all went to the lake to fish.

This little girl was just dying to touch the water. But she didn't want to just touch it, she wanted to go for a full on swim in it. It made her really mad that I wouldn't let her in the water.
Finally she got to touch the water and that made her happy. But only for a second... after she touched the water she only wanted it more. That is when she started to cry. Wait, not just cry but throw a full on screaming fit. Having a screaming baby really takes the calm, serene feeling of the lake.
While Laine was screaming everyone else was fishing. My dad even caught one.
After a long walk and Laine fighting tooth and nail she finally gave in and took a little nap in my lap.
The lake was so beautiful and is was nice to sit and enjoy nature.
Once Laine woke up all she wanted was her daddy.
I love her little arm wrapped around his leg.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, this post made me laugh...Kerrigan is the EXACT same way!!! Luckily the beach we go to is really shallow for really far when the tide is low, so she could walk 100 yards into the water and still only be up to her knees. I swear she would keep going if I let her until she was completely underwater!!!


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