Monday, June 14, 2010


For the last year or so Bode has been collecting change in a jar. We told him when the jar was full we would go to Disneyland. Whenever there was a piece of change laying around he would excitedly tell me that we needed to put it in the Disneyland jar. He also get letters in the mail from his Grandma Joncas occasionally with dollars in them. He made sure that every time he got "monies" it went straight into the jar. Well check it out! The jar is full!!

So we went to our local Coinstar and Bode got to empty his jar.

The grand total is...

When we turned in our recept to get the money, he was much more excited to get the 55 cents than the $59 dollars. He was very happy to use his quarters to buy a big gumball.

Here he is with is earnings.
 I think $59 dollars will buy a great souvenir in Disneyland.
In fact I am positive he will be buying his souvenir and Laine's in the park.

Guess we need to go to Disneyland now... I think next week sounds good.
Don't you? :)


  1. What a great experience for Bode!..Loved this post.

  2. What a cool idea - we did something like this when I was a teenager and my older brother was on a mission. Those 2 years we saved enough as a family to pay for one amazing family vacation! Enjoy your trip.

  3. Hmmm. Excellent idea. I wonder if I could sell the idea to Chad...

  4. Hope you have fun! What a great idea. I can't wait until my kids are old enough to go to Disneyland.


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