Sunday, June 13, 2010

12 on 12...

Sort of.
I saw this idea on another blog, who actually got it from another blog...
On the 12th of the month this person always does 12 of 12.
12 pictures of 12 random things, people, ideas that happen on the 12th of the month.
Not that I am going to do this every month but is sounded fun yesterday. I just didn't have time to sit down yesterday to blog. So I am going to do my 12 on 12 on the 13th instead. The only thing you have to do is add a picture of yourself from that day.


So here I am in all my Saturday glory.
Actually I think this is how I look everyday.
Some variation of tee-shirt and work out pants, unless I leave the house.
I always at least try to get presentable clothes on if I leave the house.
But that doesn't always happen :)

I thoroughly enjoyed yesterdays weather.
I was shocked to wake up to stormy weather.
My kids loved playing outside in the rain.
I love any kind of weather in the desert!

I did SO much laundry yesterday.
I am happy to report that I got 99% of it done.
There is only one load left to do.

I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned!
Since we will be out of town next week I need to get the house all clean.
I hate coming home after a great vacation to a messy house.
So I dusted, vacuumed, scrubbed...
Luckily for me my sweet hubby mopped the whole house on Friday!

I posted this on Facebook for my sister.
She is selling this couch if anyone is interested.

I put in contacts... well almost.
I have been wearing glasses since last September.
I got them thinking I would only need to wear them driving and reading.
I was wrong. I was wearing them all the time!
I hate not being able to see so I would wear them to the gym, church, playing volleyball.
Let me tell you, volleyball in glasses is no good.
So on Wednesday I went to the doctor to get glasses.
I am no good at putting drops in my eyes. Just ask my husband, he has to pin me down to put allergy medication in my eyes. So I was a bit worried to get contacts.
It is not so bad. Yesterday I put them in with little trouble, but noticed that I wasn't seeing as well as I was the day before. Then I got to thinking...boy I can hardly see out of my left eye...
So I go check and NO there is no contact in my left eye. DUH...
I looked down on the counter and there is was.
I laughed at myself for that one.
Today I can tell you that yes, I did get both contacts in both of my eyes today :)

I keep looking at my hutch and feel it is too cluttered.
 I need to take some stuff off and clean it up a bit.

I patched a pair of pants.
They have a bunch of distressed spot in them.
I am not a fan of underclothes poking through so
I patched them with a little material and some no sew tape.

I had to stop and laugh at my little shoe bandit.
If there are a pair of shoes laying around you can bet they won't be there for long.
Laine loves shoes. She screams with joy at the store when we walk by the shoe department.


I gave Bode three rounds of medicine including;
eye ointment, hot water compress, an oral antibiotic and jelly beans.
Ok so the jelly beans aren't doctor's orders but they are the only way I can get him to hold still while I put the ointment in his eyes. After going to the doctor we decided to be more aggressive with the stye treatment this time around. So three times a day he gets eye ointment, hot water compresses, medicine and jelly beans.
If the big stye doesn't clear up on its own then we have to get is drained.
Thankfully just after 2 and a half days of treatment I can already see an improvement.


ABC Family had all three Back to the Future's on.
So all through my cleaning and folding laundry in the afternoon we watched them all.
I love those movies.
I actually have them on dvd but was to lazy to get them out.
Bode said it was "so cool".


And finally I put my kids to bed then I sat down with my computer, a large glass of water,
watched an episode of Frasier and enjoyed the silence.


  1. That was fun. It was fun knowing about your day.

  2. Didn't you have fun doing that? I know I did and will probably do it again. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Fun!! I may have to do this too!! Have a great vacation!

  4. So you just started wearing contacts? I've been wearing them since 8th grade I think. Someday I'd LOVE to get Lasik...someday.

  5. Wow twelve is a lot! You really get a good picture of a day in the life.


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