Sunday, June 27, 2010

The essentials...

Laine Jo is a silly girl. She has always been very particular about sleep. When we brought her home from the hospital she was really not sleeping well. It was tough. I had her sleeping in the little pack-n-play bassinet so she could be right be our bed. The second night of little sleep Jer suggested that we move the big crib to the side of the bed so she could sleep on the cushy mattress. That solved a lot of problems. The little princess needed a soft mattress to sleep on. To this day she hates sleeping in a pack-n-play. She also is a very light sleeper. She must have her 2 blankies, pink bear and a baba.
Oh the baba. She will be 18 months old on the 17th of July. I remember with Bode we wanted to make sure that he was off the bottle by his 1st birthday. We were very insistent on using sippy cup at nap time and only a bottle at night then switched the bottle with a silly cup at his first birthday. That really hasn't happened with this girl. First off any change in schedule or routine she has a hard time sleeping through the night. With Bode I let him cry it out. It took a few nights of a bit of crying and he figured it out. Even now at nearly 18 months Laine won't cry it out. She will cry and cry until she gets a bottle. She is great at taking naps and still takes 2 naps a day. But night is a different story...

Until this week! Yay! Success. Partly I don't want her waking up all the other sleepers in the house so it is just easier to get her a bottle. But this past week Jer was gone with the Scouts so Laine got "trained". Laine goes to sleep between 6:30-7:00, I know this seems early but she is grumpy and tired so she goes to bed. She was getting up between 2-3:00 every night wanting a bottle. And I gave in. So while Jer was gone I let her cry. She is a big girl and can handle it. The first night I nearly gave in, but she fell asleep. Then next night was much of the same. By Friday night she was sleeping from 7 pm - 7am waking up around 5am for a bottle. It is either give her a bottle or get up at 5. I say bottle :) Last night she went to bed at 7pm woke up at 6:30 am got a baba and slept until 8:30. Whoot Whoot! Lucky me. I hope this whole thing doesn't come off sounding wrong or complainy. I am very luck to have my good little sleepers!

Hopefully we can get this sleeping thing down before I go after the bottle. I think I don't want her to loose the bottle because that makes her a toddler and not a baby. I am not ready for her not to be my baby anymore.

Bode and I go to go on a little date the other morning. I...err... Bode... has been really excited to see Toy Story 3. So I found a sitter for Laine and we went to the movies to see it. We both loved it. I decided to go crazy and see it in 3D. It was fun but the movie would have been just as good without it plus I would have save a good amount of cash and I wouldn't have had to keep telling Bode to keep his glasses on. It was fun just the same.

Bode's eyes are looking much better. The swelling has gone down and the sty's have come to a head and started to ooze the yucky stuff inside. It is gross but it means they are going away.

It was a long week with out Jeremiah home. He got to go camping and hiking with the Boy Scouts in our ward. Thank goodness things are back to normal and we have him home.


  1. Your kiddos are so cute and good for you with Laine, I'm glad its going better!! I can't wait to see Toy Story 3, I heard its really good!!

  2. Love the pic of Laine sleeping, they get in such funny positions!

  3. I am thinking it has been a while since I have seen you. You both look taller..JK...looking forward to the 4th.

  4. That sounds familiar here. Alyssa would wake up to nurse every night & now that she is weened...she sleeps ALL night! Yay!!!


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