Friday, March 12, 2010

ABC's ???

Bode is the kind of kid that learns stuff when HE wants to. We have been trying to teach him to count and recite his ABC's forever. We haven't had much success with either of those 2 things. He can write all his letters, spell his name, knows all the shapes and colors, but counting and the alphabet are a mystery.

Today during quiet time I hear this loud singing coming from his room. Normally I would have told him to quiet down but I decided to listen to his song. Here is Bode singing his version of the ABC's. They are in no particular order but I think he got them all in just the same.

Now to work on the real order and counting.


  1. SO cute! I don't know if Bode would be into it or not, but Kaylee loves this website:

    It is just a fun way for her to learn letter recognition and order. I like Bode's version better anyway though. ;)

  2. Oh he's awesome! Cyrena's excited about his party!

  3. Hahaha that is so funny! Did I hear the number 60 in there somewhere?!?

  4. HOW CUTE! I think they sound better out of order anyways. Thats how Talmage sings his!

  5. ok, that is hysterical!!! made me smile after a very frustrating kid moment at my house. ;0) Thanks for sharing his cuteness!


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