Sunday, November 8, 2009


in the backyard.
Jeremiah as been wanting to take Bode camping for over a month. But we have been busy. So the only way for camping to happen was to set up the tent in the backyard and have some fun. They roasted hot dogs on the open...errr....grill. And were lulled to sleep by the sound of crickets and the traffic on Greenway, and awoken early by the trash man. All in all it was a great camping trip.

In the tent. Bode was so excited. He wanted to go to bed early, like 7 o'clock early.

What would camping be with out Pepsi?

This poor child. His poor little face has sure been looking a little, I don't know, used these days. He has a killer sty on his left eye. It was huge and ugly. Then it got bigger and scabbier. Now I just call it a fungus. We took his to an eye doctor and he said to let it run its course. But if it still is bothering him and not going away in a few weeks then he can get it drained. yuck. Hopefully it will go away on its own.
Next, notice the other gash in his forehead? No that isn't the old one from this incident. But it is a new one. Bode is just the right height to smack his head on car doors. Jer open his door and at the exact time Bode turned his head and hit it. Poor kid. At least this one was small and didn't require a trip to the ER. Hopefully he won't get a scar. With the other one it would form a "V".


  1. Oh, I love boys! Look how happy and silly he is. He really doesn't even care about his ailments. Just like Spencer, the kid was missing 5 teeth for four years of his life but he still always smiled as big as ever. Don't tell but I would ask him to smile with his mouth shut for pictures, BAD MOM!

  2. That's awesome. Brad has been talking about the same exact thing. It's hard to find a weekend to actually go camping these days.

    I swear we are like one mind (minus your creativity) ;)


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