Sunday, July 12, 2009


This basketball hoop was up in my parents front yard for years. My dad promised my oldest brother he would put it up for him in the 5th grade, he did eventually put it up, when my brother was a senior in high school. ( it was up before that, it was just in the back yard with a dirt court.)It was however up my whole childhood. I remember monkey climbing up it and hanging at the top checking out the neighborhood. I thought I was so high. Looking at is now I really wasn't up that high. My dad had a problem with it over the 4th of July though. His new camp trailer was to big and he couldn't back it into the back yard becasue of the pole. So the pole had to come down. No more horse at the Merrill home...

Awe... you can just tell by these pictures the weather was so nice.
Green trees, cloudy skies, oh, how nice.


  1. An ending of an era, that's always hard!

  2. Spencer and MarleeJuly 12, 2009 at 9:44 PM

    Looks/ sounds like you had a great forth of July!!! I love the 4th!!

  3. Change is hard sometimes! Glad you guys had a fun time in Pinetop for the 4th. Your family is too cute dressed all festive. Did you make Laine's dress?


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