Wednesday, July 29, 2009

*Enter on the post below to win the cute bag.
That is the sound of the stuff zooming around in my head. Like one of those pinball machines. Here are some of my thoughts for the day.

  • I always wonder when I see someone get out of a really nice new car and then I see them and their wardrobe is stuck in a different decade. Like the other day I was at Fry's this new mustang parks close to me. I happened to notice the lady who got out of it. She had feathered hair, blue eyeshadow and acid wash jeans on. Did she not notice that as the car styles change so do hair, makeup and clothing styles change to. I guess maybe she was going to an 80's themed party?

  • Why can't I get tan anymore? I now am just varying shades of white all over my body.

  • I am very proud of my husband. He works really hard and is doing really well at his job.

  • Why have we gotten three letter from the HOA about "illegally" parked cars and our neighbors across the street can park a HUGE bass boat in font of their house for weeks at a time?

  • Short hair? Long hair? I already know I am to impatient to grow it out so I don't know why I pretend to "grow it out" all the time. So should I stop kidding myself and at my next appointment just chop it all off!?!

  • Bode makes me laugh. Three year olds are constant comic relief.

  • Why do I live somewhere where it can reach over 115 degrees? Oh ya it is call September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April and even May.

  • I feel so crafty these days. I want to sand the beautiful sleigh bed in my garage and paint it. Then redo the dresser in my room. Then redo the bed spread for Laine's room to fit the sleigh bed. Then make a quilt for Bode's bed. Then redecorate the dining room. Plus I a dying to make a few new dresses for Liane.

  • But I need to clean my house really good before I tackle any of these tasks.

  • Does any one want to come over and do my laundry?

  • My little nephew is starting Kindergarten tomorrow? What the heck! For some reason I am sad. He is five. I can distinctly remember the day he was born. He isn't old enough. Right?

  • I am very aware that the rug we have in out living room smells like stinky feet. The house we are in right now is all tile. Great for a rental but not ideal for me. I really like this house but I miss carpet under my feet. We have a huge piece a carpet in the living room and I think it stinks. So when you visit me, yes I am aware that it smells like smelly feet, sorry, but I live with it everyday.

  • I really need to clean Bode's room. It is getting kinda gross in there. Oh yea, lets not even mention his bathroom. I am going to get the gloves and a gas mask to tackle that room a later. I am so glad he is potty trained. But I think I should have taught him how to clean a toilet at the same time.

Ok that is probably enough for now. My brain is all over the place. ping, ping, ping...

Don't forget to enter to win this super cute bag. Scroll down to enter!


  1. That makes my head hurt...especially because I know you have other things going on in your head as well.

  2. Great post! I love hearing about what other people think. Sometimes I wonder what other people think about all day. I feel like I waiste a good percent of my thoughts on what ifs and whys. I should have more productive thoughts, try for ping ping ping instead of ding dong ding.

  3. doesn't it feel good to get that stuff outta your mind... I just did a post exactly like that on Monday? Gosh.. are we too much alike? :)

  4. I love the post! I have a few of the same things on my mind...and then some!


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