Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bode and I do "school" every morning at 9:30. We are learning letters, numbers, shapes and colors. He was so proud (ok so was I) to discover that he could draw people. He spent the rest of the morning doodling people. I especially like Stat in the bottom right hand corner. I labeled each person as he drew them. He really made sure I had the right name with the right person.

This morning Jer was giving Bode a cup of juice. Here is the conversation that followed.

Jer: Here you go cracker!

Bode: Dad

Jer: What?

Bode: I not a cracker, I a Bode.


  1. Kids are so funny and can be so serious about it! Those drawings are too cute. I love how Bode's self portrait most resembles a person out of everyone, I wonder what that means about everyone else :) I think that's awesome you are doing school with him already!

  2. oh heidi i love your little fam. they are adorable. ok so i saved your message you left me on my cellphone. i did get it, but i checked it today because i wanted to call you back and it wasn't there anymore, i have no idea why and what happened to it. but if you still have my number please please please call me. i can't wait to talk to you. kristen

  3. This age is great when they start to say really funny things.

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH! And ps-- I am proud of you for doing school :)


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