Monday, June 8, 2009

Tell me what you think...

So I was thinking today about TV. I normally let Bode watch TV in the morning from when he wakes up until 9:30-10:00. This lets me get the morning going. You know shower, clean, do stuff with out him hanging on me. Definitely TV off at 10:00 no matter what. Then it comes back on after nap time/quiet time, about 4:00. Then I let him watch a movie so I can make dinner. How much is to much? How much TV do your kids watch?


  1. I do the same exact thing. It really helps me get a few things done in the morning.. get breakfast served, laundry started, etc. But by 9 or so I turn it over to the news so I can catch up as I pass thru...

    Then it is off until the afternoon/evening.

    I think you are right on..

  2. I'm not going to lie. My kids watch a ton of TV. But lately we have been having Kaelynn earn her "TV time." She can earn a couple hours a day. She helps with the dishes laundry and light cleaning, and cleans up her toys. She also earns it with good behavior. If she doesn't help out then she is out of luck. If she is mean or sassy or disobedient she gets some taken away. We have cut way back and that way she isn't a couch potato and I get some help. We all win!

  3. I almost did up a blog post about this the other day. Payton is HOOKED on elmo (not my first choice!). Everyday she wakes up and asks for it. I'll admit she watches more TV than it sounds like Bode does...

    Most of the time the TV is ON, but she runs around all day playing. We just need the background noise while Dannon is at work.

    I had someone warn me that too much TV/movie watching is bad for Payton's brain delevopment... When I was 2-4 years old I watched Cinderella all day, everyday and graduated with a 4.33 gpa, so it must not screw your brain up too much! :)

    But yeah, I think you are doing good!

  4. hmmm.... If I had kids.... hahahaha. Good luck with that one. I would give advice but I can't. Good luck with that one! :)

  5. I am glad you posted this - I have been wondering the same thing lately!

    somedays Kason watches more than others but, it usually gets turned on after breakfast (8:30) until about 10:00 and then he watches one show before naptime. And then the tv stays off until that evening.

    I try to keep his watching time to 2 hours a day. But, then he watches tv with us at night. So, that probably screws that up! haha.

    I also try to only let him watch shows that will HELP him instead of the ones where he just watches them. Like; SuperWhy!, Mickey Mouse, Dora/Diego ... the kind of shows where the kids are involved and will be learning something from them. It doesn't always happen but, I try. Plus, then I feel better about him watching tv. haha.

    I think you are doing good with how much Bode watches!!

  6. There have been tons of studies showing that almost any TV is bad for children. But they don't mention the benefits for moms! With us it depends on the day. When I had morning sickness for those couple of months Rhylan watched a LOT more TV. And when #2 gets here I am sure we will be back to that. But now there are days when it doesn't even come on. I still get things done around the house I just really try and encourage her to play by herself, with toys, books, puzzles, play dough, etc. She is developing her fine motor skills, attention span, and creativity.


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