Sunday, June 14, 2009

Shout out to Willow Canyon 2...

My Church volleyball team took the prize this year, we won the stake tourney. It was actually really fun. I am especially grateful for all these ladies and the other ladies from our ward that played volleyball. We have lived in this ward for about a year. We both got put into primary a few weeks after moving into the ward. When you are in Primary your kind of get lost. Not in a bad way, but you are so busy taking care of kids that there is no social time with adults. We didn't get to meet anyone from Sunday School, Relief Society, or Priesthood. So for the most part we kind of anonymously came to church fulfilled our callings and never got to talk or meet anyone other than the other Primary workers. With the exception of Tuesday playgroup I never interacted with anyone else in the ward. (Thanks Ashely, Jenna and Torrie for including me and Bode!!) So when I heard about volleyball I was really hesitant to go. I didn't know anyone and I am a shy person. But I love volleyball and couldn't miss the opportunity to play. I am very glad I did. I am now loving being being a part of this ward and starting to make connections with other people. Hopefully when we get ready to buy a house maybe we can find a good one in this ward, who knows? Thanks again Ladies!


  1. If only I played volleyball :) Congrats guys!

  2. I know how you feel (or felt, anyway)! We've only been in our ward for six months, and now that I'm in Primary it has gotten really hard to get to know the people in our ward. I'll have to find an activity to get involved in (just not volleyball!). Congrats!

  3. We are SOOO glad you came and played volleyball! It was such a blast! Can't wait until next year! Way to go girls!

    Amy W (sorry too lazy to look up my google info)

  4. I am glad you are loving your ward. It is really supposed to work that way you know. And it usually is on your part that it opens up. Congrats to your team. Did you get most valuable player?


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