Thursday, June 25, 2009

Got milk...

Laine has been off the boob for about two and a half weeks and she (and I) is much, much happier. For about three weeks I was ready to send her away. I was so frustrated. All she could do it cry and cry and cry. We thought she was teething so we tried all those remedies. No. Was she gassy? No. We tried everything! All she could to was cry and nurse. On top of all her bad moods she would not take a bottle to save her life. So this constantly screaming baby was attached to me at all times. Needless to say I was frazzled. So one night she had been up just crying for an hour. Jeremiah had been rocking her trying to get her to sleep or at least calm down. So we decided to see if she would take a bottle. She sucked down a 6 oz bottle in no time. The poor little thing has been hungry for weeks, you wouldn't know it to look at her though. From then on she has been on formula. That day I pumped to see how much I was making. I hadn't nursed from 7pm to noon and I only got out 4oz. My milk has all dried up now and I didn't even get engorged or have any pain. Once we figured out that the girl was just hungry everything has been so much better!
Once she decided she like the bottle there was no turning back. She even holds it herself. Cute little girl.

What can I say about this kid this week.... he is a mess!! Literally. He is a pro at going behind me and messing up a clean house. Toys are everywhere. Normally we pick up his room before bed. But I haven't (in a long time) it seemed like to much work. He was laying there and he goes "Mom my room is a MESS!!" If only he could do something about it. Jeremiah has been working out in the garage a few nights this week. Bode has been out there helping him "fix" things. I have had to scrub my tub everyday. He has been so darned dirty there is a huge ring in the tub. At least he is having fun...right?


  1. I'm glad she's a happier baby!! that makes ALL the difference in the world for us mommy's!! :D Lucky you that she'll hold her bottle. Kason didn't like doing that until he was like 11 months - right before we were ready to wean him from the bottle!!

    And Bode is such a handsome little boy. I love hearing about all the funny things he says!!

  2. Wow, I wish weaning was that easy for me! Jaren is 10 1/2 months and still absolutely loves to nurse! He would probably breastfeed until he was three if I let him (don't worry, I won't).

  3. Heidi, I could have written this post, you are SO not alone! Natalie was cranky and fussy all the time until FINALLY around 4-5 months she relented a took a bottle. Up til then she wouldn't even consider it. Then she turned into a different baby and was so much happier. But same thing, she was chubby as well so I thought for sure she was getting enough. I think they start getting a lot hungrier around 4 months and need more. I definitely wasn't making enough milk for her. I'm so glad that Laine is happier now, you'll be happier and get more sleep now too!

  4. I forgot to tell you that when we watched her on Monday I was telling Ethan how some babies gross me out (he's the same way, it's just different when it's not your own child), but Laine didn't gross me out at all.

    She was such a good baby!

    ...this was meant as a compliment :)

  5. This sounds EXACTLY what happened with Payton! I'm glad she's a happy baby now!

    PS, Love your etsy shop, can't wait to see more :)


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