Friday, September 12, 2008

Dear Aunt Lee...

I did a bad thing.
I love all your things so much, I just wanted to play a little bit.

I found your makeup. And made myself so pretty.

Don't worry Mom put me in time-out.

You know that moment when you think, "wow, it is too quiet in here." Well that moment was this morning. I thought Bode was playing in his room but I heard him saying "pretty Bode" so I walked around the corner and found him in the bathroom that Lee and he share. Whoops! He ruined a whole thing of cream eye shadow. And was looking at him self in the hand held mirror. I was good and tried not to laugh, but I did crack a bit of a giggle. Oh to be two years old.


  1. haha!! that is too funny. I am not looking forward to the terrible two's! Kids are lucky they're cute at this age!!!

  2. Pretty Bode !!!
    This had me crackin up!!!

  3. You learn fast that no noise is no good unless they are asleep! Congrats on the baby girl.

  4. Hey I am turning my page private, give me your e-mail address and I can add your blog to our list!!

  5. I don't know if I told you, but I am so excited you are having a girl, if you need headbands, which you will, I'm sure I can get you a good deal :) And yes, the bumps and bruises are getting worse. She is getting close to walking and taking a beating in the process!

  6. Why does it always go around the mouth and cheeks? He looks real pretty! I'm thinking its a little preview of a Joncas baby girl!


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