Thursday, August 28, 2008

On my mind..

So after reading Breaking Dawn and the rest of the books in the series I have not been able to get over how to describe how I feel about them. I came across this article on another blog (I forgot exactly what site, sorry) and I think is sums up how I feel about them in general. I do not like the way these books were marketed toward young girls as a fun, teen drama. I know that they are just books, but sometimes it is just a movie, TV show or song. But these ideas and thoughts get put in young and impressionable minds. I have always loved going to the movies, but lately it seems that every one I go to is getting closer and closer to the line. Jokes and innuendo are droped in all the time. Curse words are slipped into every conversation. I find myself saying, "This movie was great, except for that one spot." Just becasue things are not blatantly right in front of your face, doesn't mean that we don't know what they are really talking about.
Thoughts on the Twilight series:
"* Dangerous people are sexy.

* Love should be enduring no matter how unhealthy or dangerous it is for you.

* Some people think it's not a good idea to have sex before marriage, but it's fun to see how far you can go before you cross the line.

* If you use self-control, you can go really far before actually having intercourse.

* Even if you think premarital sex is wrong, sleeping together and sneaking around behind a parent's back is okay.

* Parents don't know what's good for you in terms of love.

* Marriage is something to be feared and may ruin your enjoyment of sex.

* Sexual intercourse is the best part of love, marriage, and human life.

* If sex is violent it will not permanently hurt you as long as you are really into it.

* The more violent and out of control the sex is, the better it is. If you really desire your partner, you might tear each other's clothes off, destroying them in the process. You might destroy furniture, too, and hurt each other, but that just means it was great. (In Breaking Dawn Edward tears clothes, rips apart pillows with his teeth and destroys furniture during sex. Bella wakes up with bruises all over her body.)

* In a perfect world, we would desire and be able to have intercourse all night long, and wish it would go on longer. The best possible scenario would be for our bodies to never wear out and for our desire to be constant.

* Sex is more enjoyable if our partner's body is perfect. (Edward has a perfect body.)

* If you really love your partner, you won't mind if they are in love with someone else too, or that they want them around all the time. In fact, if you really love them, you won't mind if they have sexual intercourse with someone else. (Edward, the vampire husband, suggests that Bella, his wife, have relations with Jacob, the werewolf.)

* Sometimes people might desire an infant to be their mate. It's innocent as long as they don't act on it until they are older. (The werewolf “imprints” himself on Bella’s baby, meaning the baby is his eternal mate.)

* When you love someone, you desire them physically every moment of your life. You will have to distract yourself with daily life in order to keep your mind off of sex, but it’s always there, in

* As long as the actual motions of sexual intercourse are not described in detail, it is okay to write and read about a physical relationship between a married man and woman--including where they are, what they are wearing, how long it went on, and how they felt during the process.

* You have absolutely no control over who you love and how long you love them. Once you find that person, it is easy to love them and you will do anything for them. If you really love each other, you won't have any real problems.

* The pain of losing someone you love is so painful that death is better in comparison. If you really love them, you'll never ever get over losing them.

* Sexual intercourse is the most important part of marriage."

I know there are days I feel over whelmed with all the bad in the world. It makes me doubt the actual possibility of keeping bad things out of my home and only having a good spirit here. I feel this way, but I am always reminded of the teachings of the church and they give me strength to feel like I can succeed. I always felt growing up that my parents home was a safe place. I want that to be the safe for my children. L. Tom Perry said " The most important instruction our children will ever receive will be that which parents give to them in their own home."
So what are things you guys to in your homes? (Besides, scripture study, prayers, and FHE.)
Anyways, none of this may actually make sense. I just had a bunch going through my head, and this is a way to get it all out.


  1. I totally agree with you on Twilight and the media in general. I hate that my husband can turn on TV and see girls wearing next to nothing. I hate how accessable trash is on the internet and it really worries me to think that I will have teenage boys who I will have to protect from that.

    I do not feel like I am very good at keeping a good spirit in our home. I really would like to do better. But one thing that I do like to do, and I notice a big difference when I do, is play hymns on the piano or listen to church music.

  2. Interesting. I'm glad you posted this opinion on your blog, it's good to make people think. I know I did, for sure. I wondered about some of those elements pointed out, like her sneaking around and no heed of parental concern in an unhealthy relationship. It does give the wrong impression. (Does this mean we are like the people who thought Harry Potter is witchcraft...) :) Just kidding. I'm glad you posted the insight. I think it's right on. :)

  3. I totally agree with you and Erin. Yes, the books were entertaining.. but at the same time.. it made ME blush.. what on earth are the little 13 year olds that are reading this thinking?! Goodness.

    Brad leaves really early for work.. so when the kids and I wake up we all kneel together and say a prayer that we can have the Spirit and ask that there be no contention.. ya know that kinda stuff. I can see a major difference in our days. If we ask for help, we won't be denied. As long as we are trying our best, we will be rewarded in the end. I think music does help to uplift also.

  4. wow☆! great insight...i had no idea there was that kind of stuff going on in that book i have only heard good things...i was planing on reading them since they infiltraded our lds bookstore but they dont sound so great anymore...its sad that a mormon author has to resort to hollywoods terms to sell enough books and get a movie deal.

  5. As far as ways to block out as much of he world from your children as you can... you have *inspired* me to do a post of a couple of good ides some could use if they wanted. lol check it out! :)

  6. I agree! But it seems to me that I have become more and more of a prude about things like this as I get older. I really had a hard time with this series because of my job last year. I worked with 7th graders and I really didn't like the idea of them reading these books. I was kind of embarassed really.


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