Friday, June 13, 2008

Tag... I'm it!

3 things on my list to do today:

1. Make a Father's Day card with Bode.
2. Defiantly buy diapers. My little stinky Bode is going through a billion this week.
3. Spend time with my hubby.

3 snacks I enjoy:

1. Chips and salsa!! Yummy, I could eat them anytime of the day.
2. Right now I am loving all the fresh summer fruit. I cut up watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, bananas and apples put them in a big bowl and snack on those during the day.
3. Popcorn. I love it. But for some reason I never buy it. Note to self; put that on the shopping list.

3 ( and a half) Places I have lived:

1. Pinetop, Az. Born and raised.
2. Thatcher, Az Glad I lived there but I would never go back.
3. Surprise, Az. Just getting settled in here.
3 1/2. I live in Silverton, CO for a summer working. I loved it. I wish I could go back!!

3 Things people don't know about me:

1. I have a birthmark on my lip. You wouldn't notice unless I point it out. When I am upset or mad it gets bigger. I guess one of my great grandmothers had one also.
2. I totally miss wearing spandex. They remind me of my sweet volleyball days. One day I hope to put them on again and feel good.
3. I am really ticklish but I don't like it. I never knew how ticklish until I was married and my hubby tickled my butt. He calls Sunday "tickle buns Sunday" becasue that is the only day I will let him really get me. I don;t know who that is more embarrassing for , me or him.


  1. Fun! Ive never noticed a birthmark. That is so funny about the "tickle buns Sunday". Nathan calls that day something else, but we wont go there:)

  2. I would rather have a birthmark on my lip than my forehead (like i used to). the tickle buns day is hilarious... i hope you are still doing it when you guys are 70 years old...what a fun thing. :) can you imagine two white haired fogies rolling around on the floor tickling each other? lol...


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