Monday, March 31, 2008

I am 2, I can do everything!

So I have finally decided that I need to put a lock on the pantry door. This is the reason why! He was on the second shelf ready to climb up to the next one when I caught him. He has never been much of a climber so this was strange to see. I guess he will do anything for food. I put one of the door locks that you can get from Wal-Mart on the door and he was quite unhappy about that. He hung, hit and yelled at it, hoping it would magically open.

Bode's language skills are getting better everyday! He is trying to say so many new words. Yesterday he learned "paper". He loves to color and has asked me three times this morning for paper to color on.

We had a great weekend. Jeremiah had Monday off so he came up Friday night and spent the whole weekend together. Bode was super excited to see Jeremiah pull up in the drive way and during dinner that night every time Jer looked somewhere other than as him he would yell DAD! I guess he had a lot to tell his Daddy becasue he talked and played with him all evening. Must have missed him.

I for one was very, very happy he came home. You do not realise how much you miss and love someone until they are not around everyday. It is kind of nice to have the time to miss him becasue it makes me love the time we spend together so much better.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like every year older a child gets.. they learn a NEW way to get into everything. Our pantry door has a lock on it too.. we have little food thieves. They think they can just eat whatever and whenever they want.

    They do say "absence makes the heart grow fonder"... you've probably heard that a million times. It's very true.. but it doesn't mean it's fun. I bet you are so looking forward to the day when you can all be back together again. I hope it's very soon too. That is too cute that Bode wanted every second of his daddy's undivided attention.. I bet you had to fight him for it. ;)


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