Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I think he is trying to escape...

I am not exactly sure why but Bode has been chewing on his crib.
Not like little bit marks but full on teeth riping wood chewing!
These pictures do not give justice to the true depth of the bites.
He has done it in three different places around the crib.

Here is the little devil. Maybe I should get him a chew toy!?!


  1. That is so funny! I can't believe there are chunks gone from your crib! Did you find the pieces on the floor or do you think he swallowed them?! He's hilarious!

  2. That's his subconscience telling you he wants a big boy bed. Of course, then he might try to escape his room! There might not be much quiet time for mommy when you make the switch.

  3. That is to funny!! Who knew he was part beaver! ;) That last picture of him is so cute!!

  4. Horses do that. I think they are either bored or looking for minerals. Document it for black mail later.

  5. That's too funny.

  6. He must be sleep walking to the fridge and pulling out all sorts of cookies and things. What a rude awakening. :)

  7. I also have a woodchuck living in our house.. his name is Masen. Our beautiful crib was chewed to death. Not huge chunks.. just lots and lots and LOTS of bite marks everywhere.... it's so crazy. We thought he was going to seriously ruin his teeth.. so we decided to move him to his big boy bed when he was 15 months old. Done great ever since.

  8. Silly boy! The things kids do?! Maybe he is trying to be like Stat and chew on things?


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