Monday, November 19, 2007

Bloomfield Bear

This is Bode's favorite toy. His official Ty name is Bloomfield Bear. We just call him Bear. He carries is around like a little friend. It reminds me of the Linus on the Charlie Brown cartoon. It was a gift from his Great Grandma Joncas before Bode was born.You can't see it in this picture but Bear in all snuggled underneath the blanket with Bode. When he naps he has to have is tucked in with him. Yesterday Bode got in bed with Jeremiah. First he tucked himself in then he pulled the covers up around his Bear.
Here is Bode playing with Bear and a little horse. He puts Bear on the back of the horse and helps him ride all over the house. Boy this kid is entertaining for me!


  1. I can't tell you how much I think Bode looks like you when he makes certain faces, like in the pic where he is concentrating and putting the bear on the horse. He is such a mix of you both, but in that pic he looks like his mama.

  2. Bode is the cutest little guy! I like how he decided to pour his own cereal. I'm sure you don't go a day without laughing at him!

  3. I know how you feel. Abbey has to have her special blanket and baby to go to bed! It is cute how kids do that. Maybe Bode will be like his uncle Tim and sleep with the bear until 18?

  4. I love your Christmas background! Where did you find it? Happy Turkey Day!

  5. Heidi! My long lost friend! I am so glad you found us on here! We just started doing this during this past summer... it is so fun! Your family is adorable! I forgot you had a son! How old is he? Are you still living in Pinetop? What are you up to? email me at or just comment on my blog again! I am so excited we are friends! :)

  6. hey heidi
    how are ya? i saw that you commented on my blog, and i thought i would do the same. its such a small crazy world. its amazing who you come across on this blog thing. by the way your little boy is so cute. well have a good day!

  7. I love your new blog layout. Very cute! Random... do you get a real tree for christmas or a fake one? I feel like I've looked everywhere and I don't know where to get a good artificial tree. You seem like you know stuff like that!


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