Sunday, August 26, 2007

Candy Stash-er, Good Hair Day, Cute door

This little cheese saw me get out the camera and ran over to make faces at it. He then wants to see them on the screen. I don't know what is in his mouth. So for girls camp a few weeks ago I bought a ton of candy for the girls and ended up coming home with some extra laffy taffy. Bode found the bag and so I gave him one and he loved it, of course who wouldn't love taffy? Soon after that he ripped open the bag, and there was candy every where. So I thought I got it all pick up. But he has randomly come out of his room with taffy, like once a day! So I was cleaning is room and found a stash of it under his bed. I figured I had solved the problem, but I was wrong. Jeremiah was watching him on Saturday and Bode kept coming to him with taffy!?! So a little while later Jer hears Bode whining, so he comes out to check on him and he is by the entertainment center with his hand between the TV and the side of the entertainment center. There was just enough room to stick a few little taffy's between there and he had been saving them for a while I guess! Gonna have to watch this kid!! Little candy monster!

So don't think I am conceded but I had a good hair day. All women know that having a good hair day can make or break the day. My hair is getting so long, for me. Normally this is about the time I get fed up with it and go hack it all off. Just a few more months and maybe a full ponytail! That will be the first real ponytail since, I don't know, seventh grade!!!
Isn't this cute. It is on the door going into Bode's room. It is in the process of being decorated in old plains and cars and I just thought this was cute. My mom just got a vinyl machine for up here so I was playing around with it. Way to much fun!


  1. Yes, very cute hair! I really like it that length on you. The story about the candy is so funny. What a little sneak! Sounds like he is getting a really fun personality.

  2. You have always been able to take the best pictures! You look so good. Hey- I've got a TON of vinyl orders...up to doing some???

  3. oh my gosh.. Bode is such a little clown. That is hilarious that he stashed candy all over your house. ;) And the hair? Very Very cute! I think we have the same hair right now. ;) It looks good long and short. You'll have to post some 7th grade pictures so we can see what it looks like "REAL" long. ;) I definitely agree with the hair making or breaking your day.. isn't that strange how weird girls are about their hair?

  4. Very cute hair! I love it! And as always Bode is adorable!

  5. Okay, so you gotta give the kid props for being so stinkin' smart! haha. It was good to see you on Saturday! I miss having my friends always around.

  6. Heidi you are so pretty an dyour little boy is Soooooooooooooooo Cute. I love all his faces they crake me up.
    Love you girl,
    Sarah Garcia

  7. HEY!! How are you? I have not seen you or heard from you in forever! You little boy is soo cute!! I hope to hear from you soon!

  8. I saw your link on my friend's brother's blog - you said you could email her with directions on how to make your own template/header. Are you willing to share? Thanks!


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