Wednesday, August 22, 2007

100th post

Just me in my everyday life. So I was "blog surfing" through some sites and ending up reading an entry form someone talking about how everyone seems so perfect in their blog worlds. I know I have mentioned this before but what the hey, why not again. Like all the pictures of me are super posed or black and white or nonexistent at all becasue ever since I had Bode I am so uncomfortable with myself. Ahh motherhood, chubby belly is one of my calling I guess. This is me in my everyday life. I do manage to shower before Bode gets up but I rarely put on makeup. Now that I can kinda put my hair back, I sport the pony everyday. But besides my belly. I have come to like myself and the things that make me, me.

Here we are just playing. Bode would not look at the camera and Stat in right there under my are just playing with us. I love this time of the day when I just relax and play with my little family. Our little pup. He is so good...knock on wood! Look at this face. Jeremiah taught him this face and it cracks us up. He was catching people's eye all through church and whipping this face out. Talk about a distraction. beautiful flower. We got this from our old landlady right before we moved into our house. She said to consider it a house warming gift. It was so small. Now it has grown so big!! I remember the first time it had flowers on it and it made me so happy!!! That is Jeremiah's cactus in the corner. Since we don't live in the desert we have to have a little of it around for him.

This is my CHAOS chart, you know Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome. Cheesy I know but it keep my house clean and my brain functioning. It is a system I modified to fit me after reading a book of my Mom's. It makes it so I never have take that dreaded day of to to completely drain myself and clean my whole house. I clean a little bit everyday and so that by the end of the week my whole house is clean and I feel like I didn't hardly to any work.
Although my all time nemesis still lurks around every corner of my house...dang laundry. I have got to figure out how to get it done before I have a tone of kids going through a ton of clothes everyday. Any suggestions?


  1. Does your chart really work???

  2. I need a chart like that!! I was doing one online but the way they had it layed out just didnt work for me.

  3. lol. Love the chart.. I am thinking that may actually help! Do you like it? I mean.. I dread when EVERYTHING gets outta control and I've gotta clean the WHOLE house.

  4. oh and when you figure out a solution to the laundry.. let me know! I do have one girlfriend who folds every load as it comes out.. but I'd rather just tackle the whole huge thing at once... (probably where I go wrong!)

  5. Hmmm ... I'm interested in your chart!! I've tried tons of different approaches and always end up giving up because they're just no good...I might have to borrow your chart!!

  6. Connie killed herself cleaning today, I did too. It is 9.20 at night on the 23rd, and I promised to clean the bathroom. I think that chart may be good for us. I never knew being married involved so much cleaning. :) I didn't realize how much of a mess I made before I got married. Sorry MOM, you kept our house clean growing up. I shouldve helped more.

  7. I don't know if you know me or not, but I nosied my way to your blog. My maiden name is McNeil, but I had to tell you I LOVE you chart idea. I tried to come up with my own a few months ago, but yours is so detailed and organized. Thanks for sharing!


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