Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A little to blog happy...

So I haven been a little blog happy these days. And even if nobody really cares, it gives me something to do. This is my little sister Lee. And no those aren't goofy glasses. They are eye patches. (Argh, like a pirate) A few weeks ago Bode got pink eye. We had it for few days and with antibiotics it went away. I was all worried that I would get it. So after a few days of no pink eye I figured we were all safe. Then like a week later Lee got it!! BAD. We thought it would go away as fast as Bode's but when it didn't she went to the doctor and turns out that in all the trying to get pink eye goof out of her eye she scratched it. So she had a patch over her left eye. Then last week has eye got all red again. So another trip to the doctor, and she came home with two patches! She had scratched both eyes. They aren't to sure how but she probably did it in her sleep. Poor girl! She is well on her way to recovery now.


  1. Okay, I can't stop laughing. What I'm thinking about is that Lee has no idea what she even looked like in that picture! That alone makes me laugh so hard! Still doesn't beat the "old lady" picture of you at girl's camp floating around. good thing I've never done anything stupid or been sick....... :)

  2. The things you do to be a good aunt....

  3. Oh...sad, but at the same time kind of hilarious! Poor poor thing.

  4. That is so sad!! She looks funny though!!

  5. Poor Lee! What horrible luck! She is out of school right? I know she wasn't suppose to miss anymore mornings... hopefully she is feeling better! We love you Lee


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