Saturday, October 14, 2006

My boys...

Not to much has happened this week at the Joncas home. We have really enjoyed not having much to do right now. It is kind of like the calm before the "holiday storm" comes. Today is the first Saturday in a while that we got to sleep in and just relax all day long. Very nice, but a little unproductive.

Jeremiah is doing good. Work is work, like always. He is taking a class at NPC and will probably, if all works out, be reffing high school basketball games this winter.
For me volleyball is coming to an end. Bitter, sweet, I have loved doing it, but I am ready to have a break. I am so glad that I have had the opportunity to be involved with the volleyball program and I hope that I can keep on doing this for years to come.

Bode is a happy kid. His new favorite this is to grunt and yell so you will look at him, then he flashes a huge toothless grin and giggles. He consumes my world, in a great way. Wow, what did I ever do before I was a mom.


  1. Oh my goodness... Bode is so adorable!

  2. Oh Heidi, life is just moving along so quickly! I have yet to see your baby in person, and he is so big! You're right, he does look like his daddy.

  3. I think this is the best picture of Bode yet!


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