Monday, October 23, 2006

The days go by to fast!

I was looking through all of our family photos yesterday and I noticed that since Bode was born there are only pictures of Bode and Jeremiah. Then looking through old family photos I found that there are hardly and pictures of my mom in our pictures. So for the sake of prosperity, and so my kids to see me as a young lady (not an old bat), we took a couple pictures. I guess once you become a mom you are the person behind the camera.

Top 5 Signs You’re a Mom

1. You go to the grocery store and find yourself having a good time.

2. The laundry seems to have taken on an evil nature and you begin to feel that it's out to get you.

3. You usually go out wearing wrinkled clothes, bad hair, boogers, or any combination of the three.

4. You are a size 4 trapped in the body of a size 8 (or 10 or 12...).

5. You can't remember the last time you shaved your legs

Bode took his first little spill yesterday. We were at church and he was lying on the bench to eat his bottle. Jeremiah turned to ask me a question, then bam Bode was on the floor. Everyone around us tried to catch him, but he is a tank and just fell to the floor. It kind of shocked him for a min., and he screamed. I took him outside and he stopped crying and wanted his bottle back. He was a tough little boy and didn’t even shed a tear. One of many falls, bumps and bruises’ to look forward to I guess.


  1. The pictures are great. Heidi-you look so pretty. There is something just so serene about your face. You just look truly happy. I haven't updated because I don't have a cute baby, there isn't much going on w/ us! Maybe it's time to have a baby.....

  2. Those pictures are great! That's what all of us Mom's need to do! We are always trapped behind the camera, since I've gotten my new camera there is only one picture of me and that was the one we set the tripod up to get the whole family! Good thinkin' Heidi! Sorry to hear about Bode's fall, glad he's ok!

  3. Heidi you are very Beautiful and all you peeps are lucky i let her be online! Jeremiah

  4. No, Bailey isn't due until like November 15th. She is just hoping for an earlier surprise, but I guess just about everyone pregnant feels that way.

  5. Heidi... you are stunning! Mommyhood is doing wonders for you. And I wanted to laugh when I read the 'you know your a mom' thing.. so true!

  6. Heidi, sheesh! She are looking good. I am jelous. Jill


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