Sunday, November 3, 2013


We carved pumpkins the day before Halloween. This is not my favorite activity. It always turns into a sticky mess. But the kids love to do it. These two pumpkins came from my moms garden. They were just the perfect size. We helped the kids clean them out. Bode choose a classic jack o lantern face and Laine choose a witch hat. They turned out great! 

Her face cracks me up! Who is this girl?!?

The finished product.

After carving pumpkins we went up to the Brooks's ward trunk or treat. It was quite the event. The kids played in bounce houses, climbed a rock wall and won some fish.

On to Halloween day!

We had a super girl, last minute tinker bell and a black ninja.

Our friends and neighbors invited us to join in on a halloween block party. We had food and games set up. The kids had a blast!!

Bits of October...

Piper is old enough to go out on her birthday with Grandma and Grandpa Brooks. She, again, wasn't sure at first but soon caught on that is was fun and had a good day!

Laine as decided that her favorite sandwich is a mayonnaise sandwich.... can't convince her that meat and cheese would be good on there. 

Harry has the good life.

Laine and I took a field trip to Tolmachoff farms. I was fun to just be with her. She will be in school all day next year. I will miss her!

Piper found a trunk or treat bucket. She took it to the tub to sneak a few pieces.

We finished up soccer and football.
All the grandparents got to see their last games.

Bode got to go to his good buddy's baptism. I am glad we live in a place where my kids have good friends.

Bode for some reason this night was not a fan of dinner. White chicken chili. He has been known to eat 3 bowls of this stuff. But this day is was a struggle to get 10 bites down.

2 years old...

Piper turned 2 on October 21st. Since the 21st was going to be a really busy day we decided to celebrate a few days early. I let the kids take over decorating for the party. They did great ;)

We ate tacos, which she loves.
Sang her happy birthday and ate cupcakes.

She loves Daniel Tiger on PBS. Each of the kids picked out a Daniel Tiger toy and Jer and I got her a talking Daniel.

 Oh how we love this super sweet little girl. She is such a little blessing for all of us.
She is growing by leaps and bounds right before my eyes.

She weights 31 pounds and is 33 inches tall.
She is learning new words everyday.

She can say:
purble bloewers 
(purple flowers)

and so many more :)

Fall break...

I tried to fill up our fall break with lot of fun things this year. But before the fun there must be work.
I really do hate that they are growing up. But I don't mind that they are getting old enough to actually do chores and do them the right way.

We visited the Phoenix Police Museum one day.

They enjoyed wearing real uniforms and exploring police equipment. 

Piper enjoyed having everyone home.
We finished a few puzzles.

We went to the zoo. We went to celebrate Piper's 2nd birthday a few days early. 

We thought this goat was funny. 
He stood there forever.

Piper was really nervous. She didn't know what to think about the whole thing. I remember we took Laine to the zoo for her 2nd birthday and she just ran and ran. She would have climbed in with the animals if we let her. Piper just shuffled from spot to spot. It took her about a half an hour to decide it was ok.

We also went to the science center with our friends the Dixon's. No pictures. Too much fun to stop for a picture.

It was a good week!

October happenings...

Piper was too quiet one afternoon. She was being a busy little bee and dumping a whole bottle of baby powder all over the loft. She did feel pretty bad about it though.

This was the 4 year I have had a fall swap party. I wasn't going to do it this year but I had a few people ask if I was going to do it. I didn't want people to be bored of it. I'm glad I have friends who come support me. It is a fun night! 

Piper is interested in the potty, She calls it the a-hee. She likes to sit on it, use toilet paper and flush. She make us happy.

There was a community party in the part a few weekends ago. My kids were in heaven. Bounce houses, cotton candy, games and a petting zoo. They had so much candy! It guess it was just the start to a fun holiday season.

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