Friday, August 16, 2013

The first week of school...

We finished the first full week of school for both of the kids this week. It was a good one. I was a little afraid that the every afternoon preschool might wear Laine out or that she would not want to go. I was wrong. She loves going everyday! She begs all morning long to go to school. She is so happy to have her own school, just like Bode's but smaller, and she says. 

Bode is really loving his teacher. She stopped me at the curriculum night and told me she is very impressed with him. She says that she noticed he is very aware of those who need help around him. Like there was a boy who was struggling with reading. Bode helped this boy by holding his finger under the words so he wouldn't get lost. He is a good boy. It makes me happy to know that he is good outside of our house too.

This week Bode got to ride his bike to and from school. The big kicker is that I didn't ride with him. He is tagging along with the kids down the street. It is Jalen and his older siblings. It makes me a little nervous. They are good to follow the oldest, ride safely on the sidewalk and cross at the crosswalk. The school isn't very far from our house. I have noticed he walks a little taller when he gets to ride his bike. There is such freedom and independence in those wheels. I'm glad he get to do this. I am also glad we have friends that don't mind him riding with them.

Piper has adjusted quickly to the house being quiet. She loves to pick up brother and sister from school though. She yells "Bowee" Nanee" when I tell her to get her shoes to pick everyone up. Speaking of shoes. She is officially obsessed with shoes. She loves them! She will frantically search for her own is someone else puts theirs on. She loves my heals and any flip flop she can get her toes through.

A friend of mine made a challenge to other mom's on facebook. The challenge is to not yell at your children. I had never considered myself a yeller. I yelled on the court in sports. My husband and I never yell at each other. I remember once in 8th grade I angrily yelled at girls in the locker room over stupid junior high drama. I was really embarrassed that I did it too. Very out of character for me. As my children get older I have noticed a bad habit of mine. I have yelled at my kids. If they haven't cleaned up, if they make a mess, if they spill milk. I hate that I do it too. I feel so guilty after my outbursts. I know I'm not alone in this but still, makes me feel bad that I do it. I joined in this challenge a few weeks ago and it has made a difference. I have worked really hard to keep my cool in situations that would have made me yell before. I'm not prefect. It has truthfully been really hard. But I have noticed that my children don't change their behavior if I get angry. They respond much better if I am stern but kind in my directions to them. I still have to yell up the stairs but I am not yelling in anger. I know that I won't be perfect at this but I am trying!

 Nothing exposes our true selves more than how we treat one another in the home.

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