My sister moved to Arkansas a few years back. They have made trips back to Arizona to visit many times but we had yet to go visit them. After finding a screaming deal on some plane tickets we were finally able to go visit the Papas!
We flew out on Halloween. Moment of true... I had never flown on a plane before. I bought he tickets and just had planned on me and the kids going. After sitting at the computer for a few minutes I thought heck no am I flying alone with three young children all by myself the very first time I fly! So Jeremiah came too. I am glad he did. The older two were super excited to fly on a plane. Piper however was so not a good traveler. She cried, I am not joking, nearly the WHOLE entire flight. I felt sorry for everyone around us. She was so tired and grouchy. And literally the second our plane touched down in Arkansas she fell asleep.
(All these pictures are out of order. Blogger is being a pain and I can't fix them)
Getting ready to board the plane with all out Halloween monsters.
Trick or Treating! This was SO much fun. Jill's neighborhood was picture prefect for Halloween. Large green lawns, beautiful houses, crisp fall air, and crunchy fall leaves under our feet. The picture of these children running from house to house will be one of those things I never forget. Good memories.
Quote of the night "Halloween never gives up!"
Paisley Papa
We ate a ton of good food while we were visiting. This place was yummy!
I miss having my sister around. We had fun just being together. We talked, drove through beautiful neighborhoods, shopped and watched kids. I didn't need anymore entertainment than that. It was just fun to be around her.
These children had so much fun together. They played and played until they couldn't play anymore. This is Laine passed out on the floor. Everyone else was still running around around her and she was just to tired to keep up.
One of the bonuses of going to Arkansas was going and visiting Jeremiah's Grandmother. She lives about 4 hours away from my sister in Missouri. It was a nice visit with her. We where able to see her little apartment and she was able to show off her grandson and great grand kids.
I'm really glad Jeremiah came with me. He was a good sport. He let me just go and do things with me sister and he watched the kids. Although this picture doesn't show it, I think he had a good time. He even got to golf a few holes with John.
We came at a beautiful time. The trees where absolutely breathtaking. Arizona is so brown. It was wonderful to see all the trees changing. I loved it!
We took the kids to see Wreck is Ralph. They all just watched and ate popcorn. Piper even slept through most of the movie so I got to enjoy it too.
In Missouri we stayed at Jeremiah's Aunt Val's house. The kids LOVED it! She watches a few of her neighbors kids who happen to be just Bode and Laine's ages. Kids make friends so fast. They went to the park, ate lunch and played like they had known each other much longer than a few hours. Laine sure loved Aunt Val.

Piper on Halloween. Her candy of choice were suckers. She kept going to the big giveaway bowl and getting them. She had them stuck to her clothes by the end of the night.
The flight home was so much better. We had more room and Piper took full advantage of it.
This was on the way up to Missouri. Bode has figured out the best way to travel in to sleep. He slept right through Piper kicking him in the head for about 5 minutes. Lets just say that over all Piper is not a good traveler.
This trip was fun. I thoroughly enjoyed all of our time in Arkansas. My kids were so happy to play with their Papa cousins. We got to play catch up with Jill and John and it was just really nice. Thanks Papa's for letting us come visit you! We will be back!