Sunday, September 23, 2012

Life. It's busy...

We are busy around our house. Here is a little rundown of our family...

Piper- I cannot believe that she is 11 months old, 11 months people! That means in about 30 days she will be one. This year has just flown by. Piper is cruising all along the couches, walls and pushes chairs and stools around to walk. She won't stand by herself yet, is totally capable, but she is just too scared. She has almost 6 teeth and loves to eat. She screams at the top of her lungs when she is hungry or wants more food. She will eat anything. Tonight she was loving my pad Thai. She is a happy little girl and I can honestly say that she is such a mama's girl. We just love, love, love her!

Laine- Boy this girl is full of spunk. She goes to dance class on Monday mornings. I am never quite sure if she likes to dance or if she just likes to be around her friends. Either way she loves to go. She is also going to preschool on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. She is so proud of this. She loves to pull her papers out of her bag and show me when she comes home. She also loves to do homework in the evening with Bode. She has really learned how to pull her face and use her body to tell stories and make us laugh. She can be very stubborn at times. The other day I asked her to put her shoes away, hang up her backpack and the she could have a snack. It was a dramatic 15 minutes of crying, gnashing of teeth and rending of clothing to get it done. Sheesh, she can be hard to deal with but I wouldn't trade her for anything.

Bode- I think he is enjoying his little 1st grade life. He is reading really well and loves to draw. He is getting very good at it. He is struggling at math a little bit but we are working on it. Over all school is good. We signed him up for football. He has some friends on his team and is having fun. Not sure how much of the game is actually sticking but he is having fun. I think it maybe a while before what he really wants to do catches up with what his body will let him do. He is a bit long and awkward right now. He will grow into his big feet, his dad did ;)

Dad- Jer got a commendation for a job well done at work. It's not the first one he has gotten but just the same. I am proud of him. I was asked 3 times this week about how it is to be a cop wife and over all I can say I am proud of him and what he is doing. There is a lot of fear that goes through my head when he leaves to go to work. It is a dangerous job. It is a job that not everyone can do. I am grateful that he takes his job seriously and is good at it.

Mom- I am keeping things together, barely. I don't mean that things are bad, just busy! My husband is the bomb I love him so much. (this part was added by "the bomb" husband as I left for a second to go upstairs) My calendar a year ago had nearly nothing on it. Actually the biggest thing on my mind last year was to have a baby. Oh how things can change is such a small amount of time. Preschool, primary, my kids, husband and home are keeping me busy. I really don't mind being so busy I guess. I just like having one day a week where I can stay in grubby clothes, go no where or be anyone for anybody. This week Laine had strep throat so I had to cancel preschool on Thursday. Tuesday night was actually the day she got sick so I had 3 whole days to take care of her and clear my calendar. I didn't love that she was sick but I did love my lazy days. We also did our primary program today. I am glad it is over. I am so lucky to be working with such a wonderful presidency. They made it come together so well. The kids knew their parts, the songs where beautiful and the spirit was strong through the whole meeting. No matter how well it went in the end it is still stressful to put together.


  1. Heidi, your kids are so cute! I love that first picture of the baby! Her lips! :) Oh, and Parker does the same thing as Laine. Today she threw a huge fit over having to pick up a coloring book--lasted like 15 minutes and we ate without her. Ugh.

  2. I really do want to come and visit. Thanks for the post. I loved it. The only one who throws a fit around here is me. I am totally on the side of Laine and Parker.


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