Sunday, August 5, 2012

Family Pictures...

We have been needing family pictures. I figured we would wait until the fall so it wouldn't be so hot.
I didn't want to spent a ton of money on pictures so we went the lest inexpensive way possible.
My friend Thyra has a great camera and I asked her if she would take some pictures of us.
I figure if she took a ton a few might work.
We went out on a hot evening, lasted about 25 minutes and hoped for the best.
I am really pleased with how they turned out. Thrya took great pictures. I took them and edited them.
Neither of us claim to be good at either photography or editing but I am very satisfied with how they came out and will do it again. 


  1. In the end it is all about the pictures. It is proof you were there.
    Beautiful family, Heidi.

  2. I love your family pictures and I love how you decided to do them. ;)

  3. Cute pictures, they turned out great!


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