Sunday, August 19, 2012


We have been working hard to get back into a good school routine.
Part of that routine is going to bed on time. Night time can be stressful. Getting everyone down to sleep when they are all grumpy is no fun. Jeremiah works in the evenings so it is just me most of the time. It make such a big difference when we do the nighttime routine. Clean up, jammies, read stories, brush teeth, prayers and getting tucked in. One new thing that is going on is Bode reading Laine a story once or twice a week. I love it! She actually listens to him read and he gets good practice in.

Then there is this little bug. She has no problem going to sleep. Staying asleep is a whole other thing. She is 10 months old and still gets up once or twice a night for a baba. I know it is because she sleeps so close to me (in our big closet) and I can hear her get up. So instead of her stirring and fussing by herself and self soothing back to sleep, I hear her and take care of her. The only way this is going to change is to get her out of our room and into Laine's room. But that is a whole big thing in its self. Getting up once a night seems better than dealing with the can of worms that would surely be opened if I put the girls in the same room.


  1. I love the night time bro. and sister book time. What good memories that will make.

  2. Bode is such a kind, sweet big brother. I love that he looks out for his sisters!


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