Friday, March 16, 2012

I am a mother...

I have been thinking about my role in life these days. I love my life. It is a good one. I have good days and bad days. There are days that I feel run down and defeated and, tired. Other days I go to bed feeling like I conquered the world and accomplished everything on my list and even took special time with each one of my children.

Lately I have been trying to bring the spirit  into our home. That means that I have been working on listening to better music, and editing out television shows that are inappropriate. Instead I have been reading and listening to uplifting music and words from church leaders. I feel renewed and uplifted after listening to these talks.

Here are a few things I have taken to heart. I was listening to the Mormon Channel. It is a great app on my phone you need to download it an explore all the great things it has to offer. Anyways, a talk was given about motherhood. A lady told the story of her children. She was busy telling them about all the things they needed to to that day. She told her kids they could choose to do one thing or the other. Her 5 year old looked up at her and said "mommy, choose me". Those little words hit my heart. Our children are begging everyday for us to choose them. As mom's we get so busy with the list of things to do, we choose those things over our children all the time. I have been trying very hard to choose my kids more the past few weeks. Things still have to be done around the house but I must choose to manage my time more wisely so I can choose to spend more one on one time with them.

I love the quote up above. Children are not to be squeezed into a busy schedule. They are what I have time for. I think so many people delay having children for selfish reasons. I am aware that there are valid reasons and physical reasons that delay or prevent people from having children. A few weeks ago we went to Sedona for a quick trip with the kids. We ate dinner at a fun little BBQ place. We were seated next to two couples. We were busy with our kids and the other couples struck up a conversation. They ended up talking about their children. The older couple, I think in their late 50's,  had 2 grown children with a few kids of their own. The younger couple, in their late 30's,  had one daughter who was around a year old. The younger couple had been married for 12 years and said that they had finally decided they had, as they put it, "had enough fun and had made the big money" and decided the next thing to do was have a child. Jer and I had a good little chuckle about that comment. Here we are in our 20's three kids, little money and having a blast. I feel very blessed that we are able to have children. We are having fun with them! Sure we could have both worked for awhile and put ourselves in a stronger financial situation. We could have gone on trips, bought fancy cars and had "fun". I love our little life. We are strong, young and can keep up with our three little tornado's. We have learned to be smart with our money and know how to survive on one income. It would be nice to go on a few big vacations or drive nicer cars but I am fine with our cars and the vacations we go on. I am glad for that path that we have been blessed to walk down and I would not have it any other way. I am glad that we didn't squeeze having children into our lives.  I didn't tell that story to put down the other couple, everyone has the right to choose what makes sense for their families. I am glad we chose to make children a part of our lives early on. 


  1. I needed to read your post tonight! I often feel so annoyed that I can't get anything done during the day because I have 3 little distractions. Your words were perfect to help remind me that they are much more important than anything else I have to do, even if it DOES take me 2 hours to wash 15 minutes worth of dishes... I love my kids! I'm also grateful I started my family young. My body feels 50 already!


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