Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A birthday does only come once a year...

Can you believe this kid is 6!
It is really hard for me to believe.

He had quite a birthday this year. It started the Friday before his birthday. I brought cupcakes into his class. He was so excited! He kept telling me, "on Friday mom, bring them in", "don't forget Friday mom!". He got sung to by his class, handed out cupcakes and got a birthday crown. He was feeling pretty special,

Saturday-Monday we went up to Pinetop to visit my parents. We had fun in the cold weather. He got cake and ice cream there along with a present from my parents. It was a great break. Wish we could go up there more often.

Tuesday we went over to Jeremiah's Dad's house because his Grandma flew in for a visit. We staying in a motel where the kids enjoyed swimming, staying up late and having breakfast. 

Wednesday morning Bode got to go to Target with Grandpa to pick out his birthday present.  We drove home that afternoon and had cake and ice-cream as family. Bode and Laine had so much fun jumping on the trampoline with these balloons.

Then since we only do birthday parties every other year and it was Bode's year we took him and a few friends up to jumpstreet. 

 I guess you only turn 6 once! Might as well make it an event.


  1. Wow I really can't believe he is 6. He is so handsome Heidi. Happy belated birthday! ;)


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