Sunday, July 31, 2011

Oh dear...

Things are backing up around here.

After taking a 3 week hiatus from normal life we are slowly trying to get back to normal. The only problem is the fact that for 3 weeks I thought of all the projects that I have been wanting to get done around the house. My list is getting longer everyday, the projects are piling up and I am running out of time. So the very last thing I have been in the mood to do is pull out my camera and sit down on the computer and blog. Hopefully after I get my ginormous list of to do's done I can blog. But for now....

  • I switched Bode and Laine's room. Bode had the bigger room and since he is soon to be out numbered it was necessary to make the move. His new set up looks great and he loves the change. The only problem is that made a huge mess through out the rest of the house that still has yet to be picked up.
  • Laine and baby girl #2 room's room is in shambles. I never got around to decorating Laine's room so I am now taking advantage of having 2 girls to get it done. So far it is just a mess of stuff waiting to be put up, made over and cleaned up. Laine is actually sleeping in Bode's room because we haven't taken down the crib yet. She can now climb in and out of it so it just needs to be taken down. 
  • Preschool starts in 18 days. I got a huge jump start while I was up in Pinetop. I found a new curriculum that I love and have printed every thing out up to spring break. It is just a matter of cutting out and laminating a ton of stuff to get everything where it needs to be. I bought new chairs and a cute little table to use this year. It should be fun! I am really excited to have one year under my belt and to be moving onto the next. So many fun new things.
  • Laundry. The never ending battle of my life...
  • Although I left a clean house 3 weeks ago and came home to a relatively clean house, it is in ruins now. Everything needs a good once over to get it all feeling good and lived in again. 
  • Have you ever used the vacuum storage bags? They are awesome!! I cleared out a whole closet just by using a few bags. All the extra pillows, blankets and hand me down clothes were crowding both of the kids closets. Now all that stuff is taking up 1/2 of one closet. So much better! One top of clearing up the closets we had a large throwing out party in the kids's rooms. I got rid of so many toys! All the toys that the kids toss on the floor looking for the "good" toys are now gone. 5 garbage bags full of things got loaded up in the car and dropped off at Goodwill. Feels good to dejunk a bit. I am sure it would do a world of good to get rid of some more stuff. One closet at a time.
So if you happen to see me this week looking rather frumpy and frazzled it is because I have a million projects going and even more to get done floating around in my head. And as I re read this it actually sounds as though I may be "nesting" a bit. That is good. With Laine all my "nesting" consisted of me washing and folding her clothed over and over. Not to productive but that didn't make me tired.


  1. So, out of curiosity... is your new curriculum from Confessions of a Homeschooler? I have been looking to add a few things to mine and would love the tip. Facebook me if you get a chance. Thx!


  2. Oh my gosh, I feel the same...only I can't seem to get ONE thing finished...just started. AAAACK and i'm not pregnant! I'm hoping when the kids get back in school it will be different.

    Good luck and I need to try those vacuum bags!


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