Wednesday, March 16, 2011

5 year old Birthday celebration...

Bode woke up at 6:15 on his birthday. He said he got up early because he didn't want to miss it. He requested Dunkin Doughnuts for breakfast. Lucky for him, he got them.

We got up and got ready for an 8:00 doctors appointment to see the new baby. Bode didn't know about the big surprise until we got in the ultrasound room. We showed him the screen and asked him what it was, he didn't know. So I told him it is a baby. His face lit up and he said "in your belly!?!". He then proceeded to tell me to not eat any junk only good food, that the baby is a boy and we will name him Rex or Max, and that it was so tiny.

Then Bode and I headed off to see the movie he requested. Mars needs Moms. It was cute. He was on the edge of his seat the whole time watching it. He laugh at the jokes and got sad at the right time and happy at the right times. He is finally old enough to get movies. We had fun!

Then we came home to have lunch and eat some cake. Jer was in charge of the cake and did a pretty awesome job! I was impressed and so was Bode. The kids got into the cake when Jer and I we upstairs and needless to say the only ones to ate cake that day were Bode and Laine. We didn't want to eat a cake that had been destroyed by little hands.

Then it was off to open presents.

Then after naps and quite time Bode got to go out with Grandpa Steve and Grandma Rena to pick out a present. He choose lego's. He may have had to of been persuaded to get the tub instead of one of the cool sets. He went straight to work on those legos when he got home and has been building ever since. He told me when I had tucked him in that night he thought that the tub of lego's would be boring, but that he was wrong and they were awesome!

After a long day of birthday parting we settled down to read one of his new birthday books from Grandpa Dave and Grandma Trish. This is a good one and I highly recommend it.

I think it was a good birthday for the 5 year old. He gets to spend a couple birthday bucks and then it will be over. Next the hot, hot summer and then off to kindergarten.


  1. Awh, how exciting! Congrats again Heidi, what did Laine think of a new baby??

  2. That sounds like a fun day and the cake looks delicious!!

  3. YEAH!!! That's so exciting!!! I cant wait to see what your having. When are you you due?

  4. What a great birthday! I'm impressed with the cake! Greg's would never have looked like that!! Happy Birthday Bode!!

  5. Sounds like a great birthday! Love the cake and the different layers. Congrats on your newest addition to come.

  6. Bode has good birthdays. I love the cake story. He is so handsome in the first picture. But he seems to have made up his mind on his future wife so maybe he won't be troubled by all the girls chasing him!

  7. Congrats to you and Bode! When are you due?


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