Monday, November 9, 2009


I have been wanting to redo my family picture wall since we got our family pictures taken. I felt the frames were not my style and it just needed to be redone. Frames can be expensive. So a trip to Goodwill was the trick. Here is our before...

Here are the frames I found at Goodwill. After all the frames and paint I spent $15.00. I could barely have bought one good (small) frame for that price.
I originally thought they would be cream with a dark brown wash over them. But that turned out well, just plain ugly. So I fell back to plain and simple black. I love the way they turned out!

Here is the after...

I am loving it! It is almost completely done. The red plaque in the upper left corner will get changed out with a new sign from Off Woodland Lane. It will be a family name sign in the red. I can't wait!


  1. how did you paint it? teach me!

  2. I love that you post a picture of your picture wall! LOVE seeing where the images end up!..the prints look pretty good as far as I can tell. YAY!


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