Monday, October 5, 2009


I decided Bode is big enough to understand the concept of the library so we have been checking out books. He knows that you can check them out and take them back to get new books. I have been reserving books ahead that I want to read to him and then he gets to pick out a few of his choice. He also knows that the library is a quiet place. We walked by a few girls talking a bit loud, he turned to them and says " shhhh, be quiet, we in the library". :)

We checked out this book. Have you heard of No David? It is great. It is about a little boy, David, who is constantly in trouble with his mom. Bode loves it. He likes the end when David gets a hug and always gives me a hug at the end of it. Bode will sit down and "read" the book to Laine or me. All he does is yell "NO DABID" every time he turns a page.

Today we went to Micheal's. We first stopped off at PetsMart to see the fish, birds and cats. I love that PetsMart can be as good as going to the zoo. We were walking to the car talking about what we were going to do next. Here is our conversation:

M: We are going to go to Micheal's before we go to Aunt Lee's

B: Who's Micheal?

M: No, Micheal's is a store. It is a craft store.

B: Oh... craps? Whats a crap store?

M (laughing): Bode a craFT store is were we buy stuff to make cute things. Like paint and paper.

B: Okay mom. I like craps.

Oh I love being his mom. Everyday has funny moments like this.


  1. Ahahaha, Bode is so funny! I laughed out loud, those are some cute sayings. What a cute kid.

  2. Friends are nice...but our little children friends are better and best aren't they?

  3. we LOVE the David Books. The kids think it's hilarious.

  4. Is it wrong that my husband calls them all crap stores too? What is that saying about his maturiry level?

  5. No DAVID books are the best! I used to read them to Casey all the time and it helps that our dad's are Davids!!


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