Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sad day...

Today was a sad day for me. We had to find a new home for Stat. We have been feeling this way for quite awhile and it finally came to a point that is needed to be done. Ever since we had Laine Stat has become very protective of me, jealous towards the kids and even aggressive towards them. He actually has nipped at Bode a few times in the past months and over the past few weeks he was just getting worst. He would stand between me and Bode with his hair raised up on his back and kind of hunch over like he was just wanting to attack. Needless to say I was very concerned for the safety of Bode and Laine. He would have days like that and then days where he was such a good dog. But I knew that I needed to take action before someone got bit. That would have been horrible.

So I contacted the Boxer rescue of Arizona, Boxerworld (a site where people are looking to adopt boxers) and I tried a long shot and contacted the lady that sold him to us. This was on Saturday. The lady that sold us him gave us a little blue paper that had his info on it. It said that for any reason you can't keep this dog please contact us first. It had been three years so it was a shot in the dark. I wrote her about our situation and she replied that she wanted to help and needed pictures. That was this morning. She wrote me back a few minutes later and said that she wanted him. I couldn't believe it. She right now has a 1 year old boxer and was looking to get another one. She and her daughter drove over here this afternoon and picked him up.

He was very happy to go with them. He was all happy and affectionate towards them. They both thought he was well behaved and looked just like his dad. I gave them his blanket and out the door they went. He just got in their car, stubby tail wagging the whole time.

I am very, very sad to see him go. I know there will be tears for a few days. But I am so relived that he gets to go to a good home. Bye Stat! I will miss your sweet stinky face!



  1. Oh Heidi, I'm not a dog lover, but those pictures pull on my heart strings. I'm sad he had to go too, but you did the right thing. He's probably sitting at his new house right now with a full belly getting ready for bed. :) Get a cat.

  2. Oh those are such cute pictures! That is really sad that you had to give him up, but I guess giving up you're kids wasn't really an option :)

    Oh and don't get a cat, they're worthless.

  3. Ya, the pictures tell of a relationship. But you did the right thing, Heidi. Get two cats.

  4. Sad day. I LOVE DOGS! And he looks like so much FUN! I'm sorry. :(

  5. Oh Heidi! This made me sad! I'm sorry you had to give him away! I can't even imagine! We might actually be getting another one from a friend of ours who is giving their boxer puppy away! (they already have two other dogs, and she just found out she's pregnant, so a puppy is a bad idea)
    Rusty would be so sad if we still lived down there! His bestest friend wouldn't be around! :) I'm sure he's loving his new family though, and how awesome that you can keep in touch with them to know how he's doing! That'll help! :)

  6. I am sorry Heidi! Funny story along these lines, last night Maggie and I were playing house and we got a new pretend dog. She said dad was allergic to the dog so dad had to move out. But don't worry he only lives in California and he can come visit for dinner sometimes.
    Maybe if it was Jeremiah the dad he was nipping out you would have had options. Sorry again.

  7. Oh how sad! I can relate, I was devastated when we had to get rid of our cat of 2 years when we had Kerrigan...and I don't even like cats!

    I loved the puppy pictures, I am sure he is having a good time in his new home!


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