Monday, July 20, 2009

Before I forget...

Yesterday we got to church 10 minutes early in hopes to maybe sit on a bench. But no, no room on the cushy seats. Bravo for those who are there what? 15, 20 minutes early to sit in their "assigned seats". We won't rock the boat until I know we can make it on time every week :) (Come on people you know what I mean. Jeremiah and I went to a homecoming once and took a bench seat up front. This lady come up behind us a few minute later asking us if we were going to sit there. We were like yes, that's why we sat down. She then proceeded to tell us that that was where her family usually sits, but since we were there for the homecoming it was ok. I was like really!?! What if we were new to the ward or investigating? Not the best first impressions. This isn't meant to offend, just an observation. This was way off my story...opps) I think 10 minutes early is good enough for us, I can sit on the metal chairs. Ok not the point of my story....
So we sit down and Bode looks at me and says something about basketball. I didn't get it or give him the right response so he turns to Jeremiah and this time I clearly hear him say, as he is pointing to the basketball hoop in the gym "Jesus plays basketball Dad!". Well you know Bode must be right, every church has a basketball court. They are His churches', so according to Bode, it is safe to assume that Jesus is a basketball fan.


  1. I am thinking that Bode is the only person who ever thought that. xoxoxo

  2. Oh Heidi, that is just too funny! What a thinker! :)

  3. what a smart kid! woot! :) I never thought about that before!

    Sorry I'm such a slacker and haven't got to you the stuff for the give away - I know I am LAME! but I will for sure - haha... I may just be the last. whoops!

  4. Too cute! Don't feel bad you aren't the only who can't make it in time for the comfy seats on Sunday!

  5. That is so funny! I too have had an experience with a "regular" who's seat I had taken. I love it.

  6. Oh my heck that is priceless! And I can't believe she came up to you guys and said that. Wait yes I can, it's happened to us as well. Not cool! I want to meet your little ones so bad!


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