Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sometimes I hate to be the mommy...

Last night for the first time Bode drew on the walls in crayon. Right before bed he was playing in his room and I went to check on him. To my shock he had drawn all over his wall. He saw me me an yelled "ma ma" so, so excited! And in my disapproving "mom voice" I stared to scold him. The little twinkle in his eyes disappeared, the lip came out and he handed me the crayons. I could have cried it made me feel so bad to ruin all the fun. Jer came in behind me and very calmly explained to Bode that we don't color on the walls. Then we all three got out the Mr. Clean magic (and oh they are so magic!) eraser and cleaned off the walls together. I should have taken a picture, but Jer did not want to condone the behavior. It was such a cute drawing. I think I need to start framing some of his 2 1/2 year old art work because it is priceless! Plus I think we decided that we are getting him an art easel for Christmas.


  1. My kids have never actually tried that...knock on wood. It is hard being the Mom sometimes!

  2. Wow first time?! That is a weekly occurrence in our house. But it does break your heart to discipline them when they are so proud.

  3. haha! Great idea with the art easel. It is not fun to be the mean mom. I would love to have a day where I can scribble on my walls too.

    I should buy stock in magic erasers. They have saved me many times.

  4. I can't believe he took that long to start drawing on the walls... maybe Abbey is just that much more naughty, but she started early!(not something I enjoy or am proud of!) I know how it feels when your little ones face drops in dissapointment and confusion. I hate that too!


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