Tuesday, October 7, 2008

24 weeks and growing...

Here is my pregnant belly at 6 months. I choose not to show my face, no make-up, yucky hair, not a pretty picture. She is starting to move a lot more these days. That is always nice. So far I have been feeling really good. Knock on wood. Bode is cute, when I ask where the baby is he will rub my belly. Only 112 more days...


  1. Believe me or not (because I know what it's like to feel yucky when pregnant) - you look great!! Or at least the part that I can see. You still look skinny everywhere but the belly, which isn't overwhelmingly huge. Good job! You should make one of those paper chains and have Bode rip off a piece of paper every day until the baby is born.

  2. Oh you have a cute lil preggo belly! Not that bad for 6 mos! Yay! Counting down the days for lil girl Joncas to arrive! :) I agree with Erin's comment on the paper chain, how exciting would that be!?! For not only Bode, but you and Jer.

  3. You look awesome for 6 month pregnant, even more so since this isn't your first! Good for you! I'm so excited for you to have a little girl. And I 3rd the paper chain idea, how cute and fun would that be!

  4. Heidi, you do look great for 6 months!! I think pregnant woman are so cute so i'm sure, despite what you think, you are a beautiful pregnant mom!! haha!! Anyway, your pumpkins are adorable...do you do any other craft stuff?? Where are you guys living again???

  5. I stayed up late making those pumpkins and mine are crappy. I need help embellishing them, that's the only hope. :) You are one of those "skinny" pregnant ladies. Lucky. (said like Napoeon...we've been watching that a lot lately...)

  6. So cute! I"m glad you are feeling good!

  7. You still look amazing..wish i felt that way ugghh! Iloved your post about you still being able to see your toes. That day i read it i was in the shower and looked down to see my toes and....THey disappeared! Who knows how long they have been missin' I never checked or thought about checking until I read your post. lol

  8. Cute belly, your still in the feel good stage, next up the huge stage!! But thats okay because its closer to having the baby stage!

  9. I am so excited about this baby and its not even mine! I can't wait to see your little GIRL!!! Have you guys picked out any names? I can't wait to hear those too.

  10. Well, for what IS showing. You look gorgeous. I love pregnant bellies! 6 months was always my "feel good" stage as well. Just around the corner comes the "ginormous" stage. It's cute to everyone but yourself. Are you excited to see all the different kinds of babies you and Jeremiah make? I couldn't believe how different Brynn & Masen were.
    Keep the pics coming.. you are doing great!


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