Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thing I miss right now...

1. My husband.
2. Bread
3. Cereal
4. Pasta
5. Fruit
6. Candy

I am on a diet. Yes a real one. They say 9 months to put it on 9 months to take is off. Well is has been 2 years since I had Bode, so this fat I have been carrying around can't be blamed on baby fat... it is all just my fat. I gained 65 lbs with Bode (yes, wow that is a ton of weight!) So hopefully when I get pregnant again I will remember that if I gain to much I still have to take it off in the end.

So I started the South Beach Diet a week and a half ago and I am a believer! I have already lost 8 pounds!! You lose the most in the first two weeks and then slowly take off the rest over a period of time. It definitely agree the it hasn't been easy but I have stuck to it 100% and it feels great! I do have moments of weakness but all I have to do is step on the scale, see my progress and remember why I am doing this.

I found the best support site for dieters. Jeremiah calls it online fat camp, call it what you want, it is awesome for me. It is called "myfatsecret". Google it if you are interested.

I have tried dieting before and always fail, this diet is great becasue you can see results relatively fast and you don't feel starved ever. It also has made me more aware of the food that my family eats and how unhealthy and over processed it can be. It, for now anyways, has changed the way I look at food and in the long run will help me and my family eat more healthy.

So moral of the story is, yes I am missing carbs right now but it is worth it. And if you are thinking if dieting I definately recommend South Beach and "myfatsecret".


  1. Thank goodness that guy in the short shorts is gone! :) J/K Hey--I'm going to be on a diet in about 6'll have to give me tips. I tried that "remember how big you got last time" thing while pregnant. It doesn't work for me.

  2. That is awesome you already lost 8 lbs. I am glad to hear you will be down here soon too.

  3. Good for you! I'm still carrying around 30 pounds of my 2 year old's "baby weight" too. Oy!

    How funny that you worked at the Teller house! It was an adventure that's for sure!

    Let us know when you'll be coming this year and we'll meet you there!

  4. good for you girl. i just started to work out and feel great.

  5. Good for you! I think you look great anyway! I still have weight from both of my kids...I think I may look into the website. But for now I just trying to cut out soda..which is hard enough for me! Good Luck!

  6. When are you moving to the Valley...when your ready to move let us know..we'd be glad to help!

  7. Hey.. I forgot to congratulate you on the 8 lbs! That's so awesome! Can't wait to hear and see your success!

  8. Good job Heidi!! They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. It seems like those are the hardest with your cravings. I know you'll do great! Jeremiah is going to see you again and think, "Whoooo, hot mama!!" However, I'm quite sure he already thinks that about you :o)

  9. Good job on the whole diet thing, but seriously every time I have seen you in the last two years I have never thought that you needed a diet. I think you look pretty great actually!

  10. You know i want to try that, i haven't had a baby yet and or i'm not pregnant yet but i want to eat healthier before i start with the babies. would it work that way? any way your family is so cute, i love it. i miss my roomie. i hope all is well! love you girl.


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