Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just keep counting...

This post turned out longer than I expected, there are pictures at the bottom though.

So everyone asks how we are doing and how Jer is doing in the Academy. It is hard to say at any given time and it defiantly changes by the minuet. I am truly glad we made the change. In less than 4 hours we will have full insurance for our little family. I know that that was a stress for us, we were always so lucky to have the money we needed when we needed to go to the doctor. And thankfully we never needed anything more than a small prescription. Now we have insurance, even dental, vision, and maternity!

I actually have like living in the casita so far. For one cleaning takes all of thirty minutes. I like being close to Bode. He likes to be right where I am, and since it is small, he is always close to me. I really enjoy not having much else to do other than read him stories and play. How often did I do that before? Not hardly ever and I love being able to drop what I am doing and enjoy our time together.

There is a whole class on how that academy can affect your relationship with your spouse. I missed it but Jer was there and was good to tell me about it. I am also fortunate to have my older brother and his wife go through the same thing and he has given me good advice also. One thing that stuck out was that a husband spouse relationship that was 50/50 will switch to more of a 30/70 relationship. I really have tried to not be selfish. Which is not an easy thing to do. Jer has always been very helpful with all the house things, and with Bode. But that has changed since he started. If I had not heard the 30/70 thing than I think that I would have had a much harder time adjusting. I know that he is under stress and functioning on hardly any sleep. So when he comes home he really just want to veg and get ready for the next day. That leaves only a small amount of time for Bode and I. So instead of being upset that he doesn't help like he used to I just try to help him unwind and relax. It actually makes me feel better to listen to him talk about his day and then I talk about mine in return. I also know that this phase is only temporary and we will go back to our 50/50 when the academy is done. My favorite time of the day is dinner. It is so nice to sit down and talk with him at the end of the day for half and hour or so. Since he leaves home by 4am and goes to sleep way before I do, it would be easy to almost not talk to each other all day. This is not easy by any means, and it doesn't always go as planned, but we survive and are happy.

I know we are blessed and I am so thankful to our Heavenly Father for watching over us. As we go through our own personal trials I always keep in mind that he knows what he is doing. And that my plans may seem great in my head, but He has a more eternal perspective. So I must be patient, things will work out as they are supposed to.

I made this chain for Jeremiah to count down the days of Academy left. It was originally meant to only be the weeks but I was bored so I ended up doing all the days. Yes it took forever to do, like 4 hours, but it fun to see the chain get smaller.

Jeremiah ripping off one of the days.It is so long, but now it doesn't even touch the shelf anymore.
He graduates on 8-8-08, kinda cool.
Bode point's up at and says "woooo woooo" like the police car noise.


  1. Jer looks so much older with no hair. I haven't seen him forever it seems. I'm glad you are liking your change. I hope things continue to go well, you guys are good people. :) Give Bode a hug & kiss & call me whenever you have good gossip....

  2. That was fun to read... I know what you are going through! It must be a little harder with a two year old though. You have the right attitude, which will bless and help you guys along. I think you figured that out before I did in your situation! If you ever need anything we are not that far!

  3. Fun post. I love the chain. It will be fun to watch it shrink. Time has already flown by so fast. You will make it, and then jer will have more days off the spend with you and Bode, and Nathan:)jk. We need to get together sometime. Call me anytime.

  4. Love the chain... I didn't see it on Sunday! It's cute! You guys will get through this, it's only a blink of the eye in the whole plan! And like Kim said, soon he'll have a few days off to spend with you!! It's fun having you guys down here too!!

  5. Sounds like things are still going good. Stay strong, it may be hard but it will get better. I can understand because Austin was gone a ton this last semester for school and a lot of the time he would get home after I went to bed and then leave before I got up. I just kept telling myself that it would all be worth it in the end and it has... now that he has a job offer! Anyways, love ya and your sister is beautiful! Tell her congrats!

  6. How fun to have a chain!! I hope it goes QUICK! I can't imagine having my hubby gone so much but it's awesome you're so supportive!!

  7. Well, we still miss the way it was. I was thinking about it and realized that our relationship with Jeremiah really came from our daily interaction with him at work. It just seems hard to vision him actually doing something else all the time. We enjoyed you and Bode last week. We miss Jeremiah. But we wish him success and keep him in our prayers. You and Bode,too.

  8. I'm glad things are going well for you guys. I think your chain is really cute, especially the board at the beginning. What a good mom and wife you are!!!! I need to learn to be thoughtful.

  9. what a sweet wife you are... so considerate and selfless. I can only imagine how exhausted he is at the end of the day. Way to encourage him and show him that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Sweet about the insurance too!! WAHOO!!!

    Be strong, girl!! and keep your chin up. Wish I could see you on girl's night out tonight.. would be fun to get to know one another. Have a BLAST!!


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