Sunday, August 5, 2007

I can do anything you can do...

What a cheese. I love this little boy. He is getting bigger and more fun everyday. He was too cute here. Jeremiah was clipping his toe nails, yeah I know on the carpet a bit gross. So bode decided to clip his too. He found his little clippers and did just what dad did. He is all grubby in these pictures, just the way I like him.
He has been such a jibber jabber-er that I was wondering when he would spit out some kind of word. He has caught on to "no" and he says what sounds like "later" as in "see you later". Also he is giving out kisses. He will pucker his lips and wait for you to make the move toward him. But if he really doesn't want a kiss he will open his mouth and tongue ya instead. He is such a joy in our lives.


  1. Heidi-

    I love to look at your blog and catch a picture of Bode to make me laugh! I miss him, you guys need to come down and play!!

  2. AHHH! Nail clippings.. I'm starting to dry heave!! Why do all guys have to clip nails ANYWHERE in the house. I remember Jeremiah used to make a little pile on his mom's kitchen table (or wherever).. it's GROSS! ack!! How are you guys doing?

  3. Too cute! Kamden does the same thing when she gives you a kiss... she licks you then laughs her head off!

  4. I look at your blog all the time, but for some reason in these pictures Bode looks so big too me! I am not even the mom, but it makes me all sad that he is growing up so fast!

  5. Kolsen does the same thing with kisses too. It is so cute until you are covered in slobber!


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