Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tag I'm it...

Jessica tagged me... so I figured I should play the game.

I tag:
Jill Taytum Bailey ( i know we don't know each other, but I look at your blog) Erin "House"

Six unusual things about me...

1. I love "Friends". I have all 10 seasons and watch them religiously. I can almost always guess episode and season when they come on tv.

2. I cannot sleep with the closet door open. I don't know why. It has nothing to do with monsters coming out to get me. But I think it is more along the lines of I am a clean freak... except when it comes to closets. They are always messy. So I just have to shut the door.

3. I set my alarm clock every morning for 6:00 to go running. Do I ever go...NO. I always feel like I can a night, but my bed is so cozy. I end up going at night instead. 4. I hate "MOM JEANS". Enough said. This is one of my favorite snl clips:

5. My feet are not symmetrical. I have one longer toe on my right foot than on my left. My family gets a kick out of this. And they always point it out for me... like I don't know:)

6. I loved "The Torkelsons". You know, it was on Disney years ago. With Dorthy Jane... Dear man in the moon. Why don't they make good old show like that any more.

Hope you all don't think I am a freak. Now that you know weird things about me!


  1. What are you talking about??? I LOVE mom jeans. That's all I have!

  2. ok AWESOME! I am a friends freak too.. own and watch all of them. Also.. the closet thing too!! I hate staring into a big dark closet at night.. so maybe I am scared of monsters! ha! We are a lot alike. love it!

  3. I loved that show! It was great.


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