Monday, March 5, 2007

Monday morning post

(AAAA! Why do my links and side bar stuff get moved to the bottom!?! Does anyone know how to fix this?)

Jeremiah was sweet yesterday and bore his testimony. I love to heard it because he has such a strong one. Anyway he was talking about how Bode has such a sweet spirit, and there I was trying to keep him still for a second. But no Bode had other plans. He started wiggling and squirming, and then yelling and screaming. So right in the middle of Jer's testimony I had to get up. I tried to stand at the door, but Bode was not going to stand for that. Oh well I guess that I church with a toddler. I have a new calling in the primary so Jer has to take Bode for 2 hours. So we both get to have the little terror for church. How am I supposed to take care of more than 2, or more!?!

Plus don't wonder the halls during sacrament, they find you and you get new callings!!! I got a stake calling to go to girls camp. I think that is going to be way fun. Plus I get to go to camp and my sister will be there! Can you tell I am way happy about this calling!

Bode is too fun regardless of his church activities. He is on the verge of walking. I say this every week, but now he is really taking steps on his own. Not when you want him to, but when he is alone. Like when he is playing in his room and I spy in on him I catch him taking steps all by himself.

I am not quite sure why we push this walking thing so much. That just means he'll be able to get places faster. And get into more things.

Out of all the toys he has, the remotes are at the top of the list. He know that the person that has these hold all the power.

What a wonderful morning! I love it when Bode sleeps in. It is almost 9:00 and he is still sleeping in his bed. I guess it helps that he got up like 3 times last night and that is crappy but I'll take what I can get.

I cannot forget the other baby in our house. Jeremiah's Jeep. Or since we have two jeep's his is called the CJ. He has been working hard on it to get in to shape. He has learned how to weld and is fixing all the cancer aka rust in it. The paint should be coming this week, and a few other parts, soon this baby will be beautiful! He is painting in Omaha orange and it should look great. But wainting is the key right now because it is still to cold to bondo, primer and paint these days. By the end of the summer we will have an "after" picture.

Only 4 more days till the boys leave for the Grand Canyon.


  1. I'm not excited about this years grand canyon trip! I've never slept in my bed alone, I'm always the one gone!! And last year I was in Utah, I have to get over it though!! Your new callings sound fun, I guess that's the bad thing about being the youngest in your ward! :) Wanna come down here while the guys are gone?? We could have a girls weekend!? Seriously!!

  2. Lots happening at the Joncas House! You get to be all by yourself this weekend? HOW FUN! What on earth will you do with yourself?! I have never had one of those. ;) We'll see as soon as the Father and Sons trip comes this weekend. And CONGRATS on your new calling. What are you doing in the primary? I am in there too. I love it! And it's hard having two kids with a two hour calling.. I know! But you just get thru it one sunday at a time.. (like I'm the expert or something.. haha) ;) Wow.. long comment.. I will end it!


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