Monday, December 11, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

We had a fun weekend. Rena, Steve and Heather came up and we had a pre-Christmas morning. Bode got to open a few fun presents. He really likes one toy the best. It shoots little balls out the top and he sits in front of it and claps his hands and gets the goofiest smile on his face.

Bode has two little teeth on the bottom of his mouth. He is chewing on everything. They has really upset his little system. He is a little sick and over all just cranky.

This picture is so funny to me. We went to the movie Saturday night and when we came out we were hungry so Jeremiah got some McDonald's. We came home to eat, Jeremiah sat on the floors and within seconds Bode was at his feet. Bode loves to eat. He crawled up on to Jeremiah's lap and was begging for food. His newest thing is pointing with one little finger. I was trying to get it in a picture and this one came out so cute. He is pointing and sticking his tongue out at the same time. Things like this make the cranky baby OK.


  1. That baby is such a cute little chunk! I could just squeeze his little cheeks. Way fun. Maybe once school gets out for xmas break I can come see you guys. Or maybe I'll see you at Trina's reception, I really want to go.

  2. Those are really cute pictures. Looks like yall had a great time. Does he like his lion? Kamden got one too, I can't wait for her to open her presents!


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