Sunday, May 3, 2015

September 2014

Playing catchup for a years worth of missed blogs is no fun.. and makes for out of order pictures. Opps

Play-she says she's not a princess, she's the queen.

Taking inventory today. So many sweet memories in these tiny clothes. Excited to make more memories with one more girl dressed all in pink. Got to get more little sleeping gowns, a set of newborn onsies, swaddling blankets, a bouncer, and a few little things and we'll be all set.

Going on 31 weeks. As much as it is easy to complain about the discomforts of pregnancy, I am really grateful that it is something I get to experience. Thankful I have had uneventful pregnancies and healthy babies. 9 weeks to go.

Boosterthon fun run! So hot out there. Glad Jer was there and not me. I'll enjoy it through pictures.

Love, love, love the daddy. Piper is very cuddly. She loves to give hugs. Jeremiah is most often the recipient of there great hugs.

3rd trimester exhaustion has arrived. I have all this energy until about 1:00 then I crash for the rest of the day. You can find me every afternoon in a comfy chair getting a foot massage in my isqeeze. And then there is harry. He gets locked in a closet or room sometimes. He doesn't make fuss, just slides out a paw alerting you of his distress.

Love getting sweet gifts from my husband. He works hard. I am also glad he recognizes my hard work at home.

God gave us families, to help us become who he wants us to be. This is how he shows his love. For the family is of God

Piper is doing well in the potty training game. She goes number one on the potty 99.9% of the time. Number 2... Not so much. She tells me only pee pee goes in the water. 😒 So this is the new approach. A chart for poo! If she fills the chart she gets a frozen doll. Wish us luck! I'd love to not clean poo out of undies this week.

loving my afternoon with bode. Got his cast on, lunch at paradise bakery, and he helped me pick out the new babies car seat. He choose paradise because he said he's ready for more mature places to eat. Like paradise and chipotle. Love this kid.

The face of a triumphant child. He fell off the monkey bars yesterday. Said he really hurt his arm. Seriously didn't believe him because he's been talking about casts, crutches and wheel chairs for like two weeks. But he was still holding it funny after school today so I reluctantly took him in. Mom fail. Totally broken! He dr left the room and he laughed, turned to me and says "I told you so!"

Oh my aching feet, hips, and back. I know I shouldn't complain. There are those that can't have children and others who have complications during pregnancy. But anyway you slice it pregnancy isn't easy. My feet have been swelling much earlier and worst then with the last two pregnancies. They swelled with Bode like this and I ended up with preeclampsia. That makes me nervous. Don't want to go through that again. She also has "dropped". So on the bright side I can breath! But on the down side lots of pressure on my hips. Bring on the waddle. 10 weeks. I can make it 10 more weeks.

Piper loves helping. Today she helped pick out bananas, apples, and pick up a few gallons of milk. She was rewarded for being so good in the store with a soda. At lease she thought it was soda 😉 lemonade with a splash of strawberry Fanta.

This is one big belly (along with the other accompanying body parts). Wonder how it will look in 10 weeks or so.... I'm guessing HUGE.

Surprise visit from Grandpa Dave. He drove down early this morning to watch Bode and Laine in the Primary Program. Thanks grandpa, we love you!

not my idea of a relaxing activity but they boys seem to enjoy coyote hunting.

the child that's naps is always my favorite. Except for she didn't nap today. That would have been nice.

 my little fur baby finds me everyday. He really likes the growing bump. It's his own personal pillow. The funny part is when he lays on me he purrs and the real baby on the inside likes it and begins to moving all around.

The sleepy end to a fun rain day. All the fun wore them out! And I should have remembered sunscreen....


All modesty is out the window when puddles are in play. Bode says he is a police officer. Her is directing traffic to go around the water on our street. And you know what, they followed his directions :) he felt pretty cool.

a pretty regular Sunday scene around here. Early pjs with a movie on moms bed.

Today during sacrament Jer leaned over to me and told me to look at our nephew. He was busy playing with toy trains. Bode loved little trains and Thomas. We both were a little sad to think we'll (in our plans) never have a Thomas the train loving boy again. We were destine for princess loving girls instead. Jer is a great dad to his little girls.

Jer works hard. Working hard often means that he needs to sleep in a bit. This often means we are in the car waiting for him on Sunday mornings. Just like to prove that he's not always waiting on us 😉

Soccer in the morning, football this afternoon. This shot makes her look a little bit more into it than she really is...


They were so happy to get to ride bikes to school today. Bode ride with friends last year and has been begging since day one to ride this year. I wasn't quite ready to let Laine go yet. Gave in today. Although I drove behind them the whole way and will be on the corner waiting for them after school. Yikes. They only cross one road with a crosswalk. Still makes me nervous. 😁

just following her big brother friend around the fields. He even bought her a snack.

It's silly to me now that I only thought I'd have a bunch of boys. Can't imagine my life without my two soon to be three girls. They love to give her hugs and kisses everyday. Laine says her moving around is "just amazing".

You know it was a good weekend when 11 minutes into the drive home all three of them are asleep. Camping in Strawberry for the Fleming (grandma Davis☺️) family reunion.

Anyone else feel this way? No, just me? On to 27 weeks.

Although she isn't technically in preschool this year, Piper does participate in my preschool. She loves getting ready, putting on her backpack, and haveing "class" to go to.

Bump pains...

This belly of mine is huge and only getting bigger. Going on 26 weeks


Good morning rain! Our whole street is flooded. Bode is hoping for a "rain day" at school 😉

Always a project...

Love this guy. He's my favorite. He humors me and helps my ideas come true. Also he said we're never moving because he doesn't what to do all this again

Big, huge, blank wall no more! A board and baton wall treatment really fills up the space. I want to put a couple more things on the ledge, find a frame for Bode's "Monet", and really hope Target restocks the rug I've been eyeing

Big helper...

This boy is heaven sent. He is (almost) always willing to help and and give me a break. Tonight he changed Piper's diaper. Oh yea, anyone want to come potty train her?

Sneak peaks...

 Got an extra sneak peak at the little growing inside today. Growing good and strong.

August 2014...

Squeezing summer fun in after a school day.


One day last year Bode came home from school and asked me if I knew who Monet was. I told him Claude Monet is my favorite impressionist artist. I showed him books that I have of his work. The next week he came home with this piece of art work. He said he did his best to make a Monet for me. I LOVE it. I'm currently looking for a frame to frame it and put it on a gallery wall in the family room.

First day of school 2014...

First day of kindergarten! She was all ready to go. I only she'd a few tears :) big girl!

First day of 3rd grade! He is most excited about getting to have a class on the second floor of school.

First day of kinder and 3rd grade! I think you can see Laine's little bit of nerves in her classroom picture. Bode was ready for us to leave. Piper was not happy to not go to class and cried for Bode when we left.

I wasn't weepy until Bode started walking Laine to the kinder hall. For as much as they fight and push each others buttons, they love each other. I'm glad they have each other.

August 2014...

Breaking in new preschool puzzles today. Like the one on one time with her.

The sleepy cat...

Toothless scout...

August 2014...

Trying to decide what to have for lunch but don't want to disturb the cat. He likes the growing bump.

One last get away before school...

Snuggling Maggie on the porch. Listening to the rain and waiting for the cookies to come out of the oven. Good day.

How long did your child keep up an afternoon nap? I'm not letting Piper, who is 2 1/2, give hers up anytime soon. Just curious. PS... One week till school starts! Yay!

Laine helped give Maggie a bath today. They shared a blanket to warm up. Sweet dog.

Not sure there is a happier two year old anywhere today. Loving playing with the neighbors kittens. All three of them are begging to take them home

Enjoying the cool breeze and green grass
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